Scattered pages..

7 1 0

1 year later...

As the growling sounds of the snowy blizzard surrounds Ranboo in eternal white, his feet crunch in the snow as he slowly walks to SnowChester, only in a suit and tie.

As he slowely approaches SnowChester he sees a figure of a man..
Tall, slim, and carrying a weapon..
That couldnt be Tubbo or Michael

Ranboo slowly walks up to the figure revealing it to be a man with a smiley face mask, a green jacket and so many weapons, it looked like he was frozen and couldnt move

His skin ice cold and the color of an orchid and stood and frozed in a heroic postion.

Ranboo puts an arm around the figure and carries him to SnowChester putting him down near the furnace to get ready some food and warmth for the strange man.

As he is preparing to get the man nice and cozy, Tubbo walks in with michael, not acknowledging the man stood frozen behind Ranboo.

"Hey Boo; Whats up?"
"Hey Tubbo, nothing much just still trying to find my book"

Michael oinks in the sight of Ranboo, As Ranboo gives michael his crown to play with.

(Tubbo and Ranboo adopted michael who is a baby pigman on valentines day)

"Did you find your book"
"No not yet... ive been looking everywhere for it and i can't remember where i put it.."

Ranboi gets upset on the thought he might never be able to remember again without his book..
This book was special to Ranboo

Tubbo tries to help ranboo calm down, but it would only lead for michael being scared as ranboo releases his white side of his body and accidentally scares Michael and Tubbo...
"Wait.. Tubbo, Michael im sorry, i didnt mean to, please im sorry"

"Its okay boo... we get it :)"

As he and Tubbo hug it out and Ranboo slightly kisses michaels forehead goodbye, Tubbo and Michael leave for bed

Ranboo sits down on the sofa next to the figure noticing he has a bag with him full of papers and books and ranboo being the nosy and sceptical person he is looks through the mans stuff

After taking out everything in the mans bag he notices something loose in the mans frozen jacket. it had burn marks on the front and had loose pages that were almost falling out...

Ranboo takes out the book and not for even a second he knows this is
His book..

Ranboos memory book.

Why did this man have his book?

But as ranboo packs the mans stuff away in a box ready for him when he wakes up, the ice on the man slowly melts and the man starts to move and wriggle his fingers and hands.

The man is completely not frozen anymore and Ranboo taking a step forward to see if the man was okay. He only utters...

"w..where ...i?"

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