The First Day

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Yo It's Your Boy PikaBoy And Yeah It's Time For A New Chap. So Let's Begin...

3rd Person POV

Right Now Ash And Astrid Are In Front Of Our Academy Which Is Located In Galar Region, Wydon.
As We Enter The Premises. The Other Students Gave Us A Weird Look.

Ash's POV

"Hey Do You Think They Recognized You?" Asked Astrid

"No Way Are You Idiot?" I Said

"No Just Asking" She Said With A Sweatdrop

As I Looked Forward I Saw A Fast Soccer Ball Coming Straight Towards Astrid's Face.
As It Was 2-3 Inches Away From Her Face I Caught It. I Saw A Certain Boy Smirking.
So I Thought Of Something. 

"What Should I Do?" I Asked

"Hmm Give Him The Taste Of His Own Thing" Said Astrid With A Smile

And As She Said I Can Do Whatever I Want. I Smirked And I Did This.👇👇👇👇

[That Happened To That Boy]

Some Student Were Amazed While Some Were Angered And And Some Were Yelling 'Wow That Guy's Super Savage', I Noticed Gary And Gladion Smirking At Me.

"Now That's What I Am Talking About" Said Astrid

The Guy Stood Up And Gave Me A Glare So And I Gave It Back To Him With My Menacing Glare, Which Can Even Scare Giratina. He Flinched Back And Fell Down. Then He Ran Away.

Gladion On Came Toward Us After Reaching To Me.

"You Haven't Changed At All, Now Have You Ash?" He Asked With A Grin

I Smiled And Asked 

"So This Is How You Welcome Others"

He Shrugged

"Long Time No See Ashy-Boy" Said Gary

I Didn't Reply

"Hey Common I Am Your Best Friend" He Said

"We Are Going To Principal's Office, So Gladion Mind Guiding Us?" Asked Astrid

"Follow Me" Said Gladion


Lillie's POV

"Woah What Was That? That Guy Kicked Calem's Ass Pretty Hard" Said Tierno

"Yeah He Literally Nailed It" Said Trevor

"Yeah And Lillie Did You Noticed Your Brother Knew Him" Said May

"Yeah And Same Goes For Gary" Said Dawn

Then Gary Came Back To Us 

"Hey Gary Did You Knew Him? Or Something?
You Guys Looked Liked Friends" Asked May

"In Fact He Is My Childhood Friend. Cool Isn't He?" Said Gary

"Look I Am Warning Ya All, Don't Mess With Him. He Is Pretty Tough" Gary Continued

"Huh I Will Destroy Him In A Battle" Said Paul

"Are You Sure About That?" Said Gary With A Smug Look

"Whoever He Is? How Dare He Hurt My Boyfriend" Said Serena

[Haha I Am Evil 😈😈😈]

"Oh Yeah Gary You Didn't Mentioned His Name? At All" Asked May

"He's Name Is Ash Ketchum, And That Girl Was His Cousin Astrid" Said Gary

I Noticed May And Dawn Sighing In Relief

"Don't Tell Me You Guys Are Already?" Said Misty 

"Yup" They Said In Unison

"Such A Bunch Of Kids" Said [You Know Who] Iris

"Hmm Ash Ketchum? I Think I Have Heard It Before, But Where?" I Thought

Who Are You Ash Ketchum?


And Done!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope You Liked The Chap.
I Will Update Soon, So Make Sure To Follow Too.
Now Bye 
PikaBoy Out

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