2. Desert

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1 week after the escape...

Flesh and blood were strewn across the cracked pavement. Judging by the size and shape alone, I'm guessing I was looking at the old remains of some poor animal. There was no smell. The heat of the desert must've cleaned that out along with any predators that could've come by to take a bite out of what lay here. A closer inspection told me this corpse has been here for more than a couple days too. It was completely dried out.

"Don't get too close to that."

I look up. Leon stood carrying a bag over one shoulder, blue eyes peering at me over the dark brown cloth he had wrapped around his head to protect his face from the sudden gusts of wind that would occasionally ruffle our hair, throwing sand every which way as we strolled down these empty streets. Like me, he wore the clothes Jacques gave us once he was sure we were safe; a plain shirt, light jacket, baseball cap, and some jeans with a pair of sneakers. We both had heavier coats tucked away in our bags for when it got real cold at night, something that wasn't too far away.

I look behind him as I stand, brushing the dirt from my knees. "Where's Jacques?"

He shrugs, eyeing the carcass before meeting my gaze. "He said he heard some moles in the area and decided he'd clean them out for us. Told us not to wait up." Hefting his bag up so as to slip on his other strap, Leon steps forward, hand outstretched, offering to hold mine. I shake my head and put mine on too, picking it up from the floor. Once I'm ready to move, he takes the lead, his steps brisk.

We could be somewhere close to Las Vegas. Some town or other I didn't know the name of. That's what I'm guessing. Once we'd escaped Cassius and the rest of The Reverend, Eldric and Jacques proceeded to jump (as Jacques likes to call it) from place to place, different parts of the world, until they were sure The Reverend had decided not to follow us. At least, not yet anyway. I'm still not entirely sure where we'd been when we were at that Night Lord's house and after teleporting so much, I haven't got a clue anymore. Not that it matters to anyone else. Our immortal companions seemed sure of our location, providing no further information whenever I'd ask than to tell me 'we were safe.' I had my doubts at first but when I looked at Leon, he was, well... unreadable.

I stare at the back of his head. Leon, as if sensing my gaze, turned without stopping to glance back at me before facing forward again. I look around. Shops, a small police station, side roads trailing off the main towards what I'm assuming to be more establishments for different businesses. And sand.

Lots and lots of sand.

There were mountains on the horizon. Big, jagged peaks that rippled due to the heat waves that only left when it was night. Before the end of the world came, I would've expected to see some form of life out here; a bird, coyote, lizards, maybe a desert rabbit.

Nope. Nothing.

Perhaps it just took time. We were in the desert after all. A place I'd like to think most vampires would avoid because of the lack of shade. Even now, the blistering heat was beating down on us, causing me to sweat like crazy. It was uncomfortable but I'd rather deal with this than spend one more second in Cassius's manor.

I wonder if he's looking for me.

The thought came out of nowhere. I stumbled, shocked that I'd even think that. Was I... hopeful?

Hell no!

"What is it?"

I blink, realizing I must've said that out loud. Leon had stopped. We stood beneath the awning of some bakery, the goods that used to be inside long gone.

Just A Kiss | BOOK 2 The Night Lords SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now