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" zizi, gotsa get up " mia said poking at issac, she was sat on his stomach while poking his cheek,

Issac ignored and stayed asleep,

Mia crawled off of him and smirked as she tip toed to the door only to slam it shut making issac jump up with a gasp.

she giggled walking back in the room, " mowning zizi " she smiles as he just sighs rubbing his eyes.

" morning, it's 6 am why are you awake " he asks as she shrugs.

he gets up out of bed picking her up as she smiles clinging onto him, but as soon as she realizes where he's taking her she starts whining

" go back to bed sweetheart " he says as she whimpers, he lays her carefully on the bed as she starts to claw on his shoulders, " mia no! don't scratch it's not nice " he says as she hisses at him.

" stop it! go to sleep " he says putting a pacifier in her mouth,

issac has been spoiling her rotten this past weekend with bottles and pacifiers and cute pajamas and beanies and pretty fluffy dresses just how she's liked them.

" zizi peas! no 'eave me here " she whines on the verge of tears scratching at her legs in frustration

" hey hey! stop that " he says grabbing her hands with one arm and soothing the scratches on her leg with the other hand.

that's when issac realized it was going to be a mission to get her to bed.

he was right, it was now 9am they both passed out in Mia's bed and they didn't even realize.

they both got up and went straight to the bathroom to brush there teeth, Mia was having a little bit of trouble with this, issac had taught her it was really important to do this, and she knew she had to but hated it very much.

Mint was not so good to her,

he grabbed her jaw gently and started brushing her teeth for her, she whined the whole time but they got the job done,

" tongue " he said as she stuck her tongue out and let him brush her tongue, no gag reflex was the first thing he noticed,

after they finished he brought her down to make breakfast, " what would mia like to eat this morning " he says pinching her cheeks as she climbs on the counter and grabs the candy jar.

" one...two " issac doesn't even get to three before mia is huffing and putting the jar back and grabs a muffin from the pantry.

" dis " she says tilting her head cutely, issac nods and lets her sit on the counter swinging her feet back and forth while he gets her a sippy cup of water.

Issac watched as Mia hummed playing with her little nic nac toys, she was adorable and he had been looking into be her caregiver but...he didn't know how she felt about it.

" zizi..." she says as i snap out of it and smile, " yes " he says as she giggles and climbs on top of his lap, " your staring, and blushing silly " she says as he smiles tickling her, " i was not!! " he says as she laughs.

he lets get go back to playing watching as her tail wraps around her waist, her ears wiggling slowly, she then looks up at the window, " zizi! birdie " she smiles

" this little girl will be the death of me " i mumble as she turns to me
" zizi say something? " she asks as i shake my head,

" actually, you do need a bath " he says as she squeals and runs away

issac chases her around the apartment before finally catching her, " please zizi im scared " she says on the verge of tears

" of what? " i say as she cries into my chest, she does this every time,
" can you tell zizi why your scared " i say gentle grabbing her chin to look me in the eyes.

" zizi..." she mumbles in tears,

" yes, tell zizi why are you so scared " i say rubbing her back as she sniffles.

" mommy huwt me, mimi no breathe " she cries trembling as her tail wraps around her,

" mimi baby, zizi would never hurt you, and you know why, " he says, he gets the courage to finally tell her after 2 weeks!

" w-why " she sniffles looking up into his eyes,

" because zizi likes you very much, in fact zizi loves you and your pretty smile and giggles, and you keep zizi company, and you make his days a lot better, zizi also loves your hugs and cuddles, especially when your ears tickle my neck and you think it's so funny " he says as she smiles looking up at him.

" i like you to zizi " she smiles sitting up to hug him. wrapping her arms around him and purposely having her ears tickle his neck.

" for zizi " she says pecking his cheek making him blush, " zizi take care of me? Forever " she asks

" are you asking zizi to be your caregiver " he says making her blush this time, " zizi cawe giver n'daddy? " she says nervously making both there hearts burst

" yes I'll be your caregiver, you can still call me zizi if your not ready to call me daddy, I'll wait for you my love " he says as she nods

" thank you zizi " she smiles letting him wipe the tears off his face,

" now get in before the tub over flows silly " he says making her giggle.

they both get up and she gets undressed quickly blushing,

he combs her hair out her face and untangles it carefully watching out for her ears,

he grabs a bath rag and scrubs her quickly to avoid her from being embarrassed about anything and rinses her off.

" wanna be a big girl and get dressed yourself? " he asks " I can try " she grins

but 6 minutes later her shirt was on backwards and she couldn't get her pants on because of her tail,

he had brought specific pants that had a little hole for her tail to fit into comfortably.

once she was all fixated she thanked him and she went to watch tv while he got ready for the day.

today was going to be a good day, issac just new it was!!

little mia Where stories live. Discover now