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As I wake the first thing I notice is that Darius' loud snoring is gone. I roll over and notice that I'm down to a light ache in my hips. Had my bleeding stopped? I get up and head for the bathroom after relieving myself and washing in the sink I ditch the pad finding that I wasn't bleeding anymore. I'm slipping into jeans and a tee when the door pops open. It's Darius fully dressed.

"How are you feeling?" he asks.

"Much better just a little ache and that's all. So what's going on today?"

"Doctor said you had to stay down twenty four hours. That's noon so I'm going to carry you down to breakfast. Then carry you back up here. Jane, Walter and Sam are going to come up and walk you through pride life. After lunch if you want too then you can get up." I don't argue just let him scoop me up.

"You know, I got up washed and dressed just fine. I don't need this."

"Maybe but doc said twenty four hours."

Breakfast was biscuits and gravy with bacon and juice. I stared at his coffee. He ignored me. After I ate I was taken up and the three came to bore me with details. We went over the basic structure the current ranking of the pride. When lunch came Darius showed up from wherever he'd been.

"How are you feeling?" he asks me.

"I feel fine."

"Shall we go to lunch?"

"Sure." I stood and he let me walk to lunch. As we ate the few pride members around talked and got to know me and let me get to know them. After lunch was over Darius stood.

"Your on your own this afternoon. I'll be on pride land. You'll see a few pride in and out. Do what you want but stick to the house so you can rest. Another day. Tomorrow afternoon you'll need to start making your place here. It's up to you what to do but remember you wanted to be Queen so better act like one." I rolled my eyes as he left. I kept to the house and basically poked my nose everywhere. I took up the list of patrols right now and who was paired off, when they ran. They'd kept the same schedule for years. I was going to shake it up but I needed to know everyone's availability. Walter had given me a list of the pride members and their cells. I started texting the females explaining I was considering new patrols and wanted to see when everyone was available.

I knew the first thing I wanted to do when I wasn't restricted anymore was go for a run on the border I wanted to see my new home. My afternoon was easy as I wrote and rewrote. It was mind numbing in a way. My only concern was Jane. How would she complain at me rearranging the patrols she set up? When it came time for dinner I headed down and found Darius, Jane, and Dawn only. I sat, the table was already set with places and food. We waited for Darius to start before digging in.

"So, already got you little fingers rearranging my hard work I see." Jane says glaring at me.

"Yes. The patrols have been the same for years. Anyone watching would know them and how to get around them. We need to rearrange them at least once a year more often if we have trouble. Tomorrow are you going to be around?"

"No, I'm on duty."

"On duty?" I ask.

"I'm on the local police force." I chuckled.


"Yes. Don't think a woman could do it?"

"I don't think the good old boys in the country around here like it."

"Well I've got those who don't like me but I've saved a couple so they don't talk back anymore." I looked at Dawn.

"That can't be easy, knowing what could happen to her."

"No. But she texts me as she can all day so I know she's alright. I'm proud of her for wanting to keep people safe but it makes me worry for her. Even more now that I'm pregnant."

"Well anytime you need the company you come here and we'll worry about her together." I saw Jane out of the corner of my eye smile. At least she approved. Darius had kept his head down and just kept eating. Turning to look at him I watched him. He never looked up. "What are you doing tomorrow?"

"I'll be around here most of the day. I have some work in my office to do."

"Going to give me a tour of the house after dinner?"

"If you want." he says never looking up. I look at Jane.

"Does he act like this with everyone or am I just the lucky one."

"He's a man of few words. But it does seem even less with you." Jane says. "Me, I think he's annoyed to have you here and trying not to show it."

"I'm here because he refused to get up. By the way, how did you make it past all the ups and downs. They should have killed you." he glanced at me.

"I didn't go up and down everyone of them. I knew where you were heading and waited in the caves for you and your suitors to pass then i headed after you." I stare at him. They were allowed to win by any means. He'd been smarter than all of them and saved himself some work. That was pretty good.

"You hurt them pretty good, could have killed them. Would you have killed them to win me?"

"Yes." he says and stands with his empty plate. He puts it in the dishwasher and leaves the room. I'm up and following him before I can think.

"You'd have killed for me? What the hell for?" I followed him down the hall into his study.

"Because I wanted you and I wasn't going to be denied you."

"Why? Just to secure your border?"

"I take my role as King seriously. I hope you will take yours as Queen seriously since you insisted on being Queen."

"Why does that bother you so much?" he turned to me anger on his face.

"Because the last queen I had was a man I loved more than anything in this world. He fell, I held him in my arms as he lost our child, then breathed his last. I thought to get a decent mate and have children, an heir, a section of my border safe. I did not intend for you to take his place. You forced yourself into his rank, you are sleeping in his bed, your things are where his used to be. Soon enough you'll have babies where his should have been. I thought I was ready to put him behind me. I was wrong but now I'm stuck with you. Don't let my calm demeanor fool you I am king I will act like it. It's your body and your tie to your father I want, nothing else."

"Plan to just fuck me to scratch the itch and have me bare babies, is that it."

"Yeah pretty much." he said crossing his arms over his chest. I don't know why I had been expecting more but I had. I had expected a claimed mate to actually want me. To try and be nice and maybe someday actually love me. He had no wish for anything more than a warm body in his bed and a few babies.

"Fine if that's all you want that's all you'll get." I turn and head straight for my room. But as I slammed the door behind me and looked at the bed I didn't want to be there anymore. He didn't want me stepping on the memory of his first mate.I went to the dresser and repacked my suitcases and went across the hall and into the guest room. I unpacked into the empty dresser and closet and changed into my pajamas. Now I wouldn't sully his precious mate. I was mad, but I was also rejected, humiliated, he didn't want me. But he'd won me for some really stupid reasons. I grabbed out my headphones turned on my music and turned it up loud to drown out the thoughts, feelings, and hurt.

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