he's gone

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┌────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┐minho

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"can i get you some water, mr. lee?"

"i'm fine, thank you," i replied, sitting up in my chair when the doctor walked into the room. i adjusted the ice pack on the back of my head, which still pounded from being slammed into the wall an hour ago. "d-do you know when he's going to wake up?"

"probably not until tomorrow morning, they had to heavily sedate mr. han. after we took him out of the ambulance, he kept waking up while they were treating him for hypothermia. poor guy."

"h-hypothermia?" i asked, looking at jisung's peaceful resting face. that was the most calm i'd seen him in days.

"his body temperature was around 90 degrees," the doctor shook his head. "we covered him with blankets to keep him warm, but he wouldn't stop screaming that he was burning hot. we had no choice but to put him out. i'm so sorry that he's going through this."

"me too," i sighed, my head falling into my hands.

"get some rest, he will be just fine."

the problem was i couldn't sleep all night, not even for a second. i had come to terms overnight with the fact that jisung hadn't tried to hurt me, he was just blinded by rage in the moment. we'd been dating for two years and i knew with all my heart that he would never do something like that to me.

i hated myself for pushing him away when he tried to comfort me. jisung truly wanted to take care of me even after everything he'd been through the last few days. he was going through his own struggles, and yet he didn't forget about me.

my eyelids were just starting to close early that morning when i heard coughing coming from the bed next to me. i jumped out of my chair and rushed over to jisung's side.

"hey," i cooed, running my hand over his sweaty forehead. his skin was pale and freezing cold, and his breathing was shallow.

"where am i?" jisung slurred, his eyes barely able to stay open. he carefully lifted the blanket off of his lap, but i quickly covered him again.

"you need to keep this on, you're freezing." he whined in response as i covered him back up.

"my chest feels weird," he whispered. i looked at his heart rate monitor, which was beeping and displaying 32 in big red numbers.

"shit, i'll be right back," i told him, but his hand grabbed onto my wrist before i could walk away.

"don't leave me," he whimpered, his eyes opening slightly, begging me to stay by his side.

"i just need to get a nurse, your heart rate is low. i promise i'll be right back."

i ran into the hallway which was completely empty. cursing, i walked through the entire floor until i finally stumbled upon a nurse in a white lab coat.

"my boyfriend needs help, please," i begged, grabbing his arm and dragging him along.

we got to the room a few minutes later, but when i opened the door i was met with concerned faces.

"w-where's jisung?" i asked, looking at an empty bed. two doctors stared back at me with worried expressions, one of them finally speaking up.

"we don't know."

"what?" i yelled, storming up to them.

"we were alerted of his low pulse so we came in to help," the one doctor said with a shaky voice. "but when we held him down to sedate him again, he jumped out of bed and attacked me."

"he must've ran out in the chaos," the other doctor mumbled.

"holy shit," i cried, "he can't be alone right now."

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