Meeting The Lycan's

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Me and Aaron was walking on the way to they're house, we were on the door way and saw his family sitting in the couch worried, gussing because he was gone overnight, "AARON WHERE WERE YOU" the Girl with faded yellow hair that looked like his sister screamed, "we were so worried about you Hun" the it looked like the mom said" "who's this friend of yous" the dad said, Aaron said "this is Ein my-" the girl that looked like his sister cutted him off "EIN?! THE BOY WHO HURT ED YOU?! WHAT IS HE DOING HERE" she screamed "Mellisa he's not-" he got cut off once again "GET HIM OUT OF HERE" the dad screamed, Aaron had enough, "GUYS JUST LET US EXPLAIN PLEASE", we sat at their couch and me and aaron explained why i attacked aaron and that i was under the spell" it looked like they believed it and said sorey for the rude Welcome at 1st i said it was ok,

3rd POV
After all that, Aaron led Ein to Aaron's room, and he sat in the bed, and pulled Ein to him making ein sit on his Lap, Ein Blushed once again, Aaron's tail was wagging, Aaron kissed him and switched to his neck, kissing the spot he found Ein's soft spot and kept licking it, Ein kept releasing silent moans, "i really love your Beautiful Scent Ein, i can smell it all day if i have all your time" he complimented Ein "i lost you for so Long Ein, please don't leave me again" aaron said with tears on his eyes, "I wont leave you again I promise aaron, i love you" ein said "i love you to" aaron replied, they stood up and they went to the Balcony, leafs falling down, Sun pointing at them,

Aaron finally said "ein look into my eyes" ein said "ok", ein saw aaron's eye's turn red and next thing he knew he saw he has wolf ears and tail, Ein was so Happy, his tail started wagging so much "Aaron thank you thank you thank you so much!!!!" ein said happily, "your welcome babe"


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