❀𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥❀

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Hey guys another chapter wooo
I've been really tired the past 2 days so I always went to sleep after returning from school- but anyways imma update now cuz I'm not so tired :'D
Also I love her sprites sm specially the udg ones


The next morning, Toko was woken up by her mum's yelling. She would usually yell, she didn't care about Toko.
She did her usual morning routine, with a bit more happiness than usually. She couldn't explain it, but she looked forward to seeing Y/n in school.

She always went out of her home earlier than needed, she didn't want to put up with her mum degrading her. So there she was, in front of school, waiting for Y/n.
'They will probably come in 20 minutes... that's what the bus times say anyways.', she thought. In the 20 minutes of waiting, Toko decided to go to the nearest café to buy herself some coffee.

She didn't usually drink coffee, she was rather the water type, but sometimes she enjoyed coffee too.
She payed her coffee off as she waited for them to finish. Once she had her coffee she headed back.
In the café was a small TV, barely there to just fill the silence that was annoying.

The small TV displayed the news right now, the act of Genocider Syo. "Another victim was found in a dark and empty place of Tokyo. The victim was probably attacked by Genocider Syo, that's what the police said anyways. The same way of killing was used on dozen of people - specifically men - before."

Toko listened to the news as she took her cup of coffee and walked out. She remembered last night when she arrived at home, everything she knew was that she was in control of her body and that she was the one that done it.

She felt really down, remembering every single time that happened and she had no control over. The amount of mental breakdowns she had just because she couldn't control her. But this time it was different. A small response from Y/n cheered her up. She didn't know why but she guessed that Y/n made their way to her heart.

She arrived at school and continued to wait for Y/n. There was still no sight of her.
After a few minutes though, she spot Y/n. Y/n saw her too and waved at her frantically.
Toko gave a small wave back, slowly but surely she was getting used to getting waved at.

"Fukawa-san! Good morning!" They smiled.
"G-Good morning." Toko greeted back. She felt her life suddenly getting brighter, having a friend by her side is gonna make this school year alot easier.

"Friend" if Author-chan might add.

"Did you wait for me alot?" Y/n asked.
Toko nodded,"I suppose so b-but that's because I left my house a bit too early..."

"By the wayyy..." Y/n said as they turned themselves to Toko.
"W-What is it?" Toko shortly said.
"Do you feel up to a sleepover or something? It might be fun!" They said. Toko thought for a second.
"I s-should ask my mum first, but I-I don't think that she will say no. When is that s-sleepover gonna be?" She answerd.
Y/n was in thought for a second, they didn't plan it that far ahead.

"How about over the weekend? Friday till Sunday? Maybe Monday?" Y/n answered.
"I g-guess I could come. 'Till Monday then?"
Y/n was dying out of happiness. They hugged Toko and Toko was confused as fuck. The last time she hugged someone... hell she couldn't even remember that anymore. If that ever happened atleast.

"I'm already so excited, I can't wait till Friday!" Y/n happily said as they dragged Toko around with them. They both went into the classroom and talked a little bit. Kr let's say Y/n did the talking and Toko then and there nodded or gave short replies.
Once they arrived in the classroom, they split their ways to their seats.


After the lessons had ended and all the students were happy that the schoolday was over, Y/n waited for Toko next to her seat like before. Toko was again the only one left to pack the things up and she was kinda rushing things.
We all know that feeling to well- when you feel stressed because your bitch ass friends can't wait one godforsaken second for you to pack up your things and leave class with you.

"No need to rush things, I'm waiting for you." Y/n said trying to calm Toko down. Seemed like it worked because Toko softened a bit.
After she packed up her things, they made their way to thr bus station where Y/n is going to take the bus.

Toko had been thinking about asking Y/n something, so she put that into motion.
"Hey L/n-san..? I h-have a question." Y/n turned their attention fully to Toko. "What is it?" They asked.
"So u-uhm... the sleepover on Friday... c-could we like... have it earlier?" She asked.
"Yeah sure we could... but why if I may ask?" Y/n asked.
"N-Nothing in particular... I just... a-am excited is all. I-Its my first sleepover s-so yeah..." Toko said as she looked to the side.

She obviously lied. She just wanted to escape her life at home. She wanted to stop all that yelling and degrading. She wanted to stop the hate she received.
Also... she felt alot better around Y/n. She had the feeling that next to her, Genocider Syo wouldn't try to harm anyone— that's what she hoped atleast.

"Oh your first? Then that makes sense. We could go and take your stuff then and start today?" Y/n suggested. Toko nodded.
The both walked their way to where Toko lived. She slowly but surely got anxious since she didn't know how her mum would act with someone else next to her.

As Toko was about to open the door, she decided to tell Y/n to stay outside, incase her mum got all bitchy again.
Y/n nodded and sat down on the doorstep and waited for Toko to return.

"I'm h-home." Toko said out loud as she closed the door behind her. Her mum took a quick glance at her in disgust. "Took you long enough to arrive." She said.
"I'm going t-to sleep at a f-friends place." Toko quickly said.
"You? A friend? And it isn't a bug this time?" Her mum made fun of her. "We'll see how long this will last." She chuckled.

That pissed Toko off, obviously, but she decided to just pack up all the things she could need.
"Take all your time at your 'friends' place. The longer the better." Her mum said.
'ThE lOngEr tHe bEtTeR, stupid bitch.', she repeated inside her head.

She stepped out of the house and greeted Y/n,"I g-guess we can go now."
Y/n nodded and they both made their way to their house.

This was gonna be a great sleepover.


Y'all should read Toko's backstory, this girl has been through so much shit
I wish I could hug her and tell her that I'm here for her and that everything will be fine
Danganronpa why did you do her backstory like that:((
I hope yall enjoyed this chapter :P

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