You see me

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To Lottie, it seemed like Laura Lee always found a way to stay positive and do the right thing. Lottie always tried to do that too, obviously, but she always had this bitchy side inside her, this little demon in her ear that made her do things like mocking Allie or shoplifting clothes from TJ Maxx that she didn't even need nor want. Laura Lee didn't seem to have that, she always seemed to know what was right, and she just did that, no matter how much it could cost her.

Her teammates found that annoying («kick a leg or two every now and then, Laura Lee!» Taissa would say every time they lost a game thanks to Laura Lee's refusal to commit fouls in order to prevent an opponent's goal) but Lottie always found that respectful. She wanted to be like that, she looked forward to achieve that kind of goodness and rightfulness in her life.
When Jackie forced everyone to say nice things to each other, Lottie went straight to Laura Lee after complimenting the make-up of a very drunk Natalie and she said that to her. The speech was a lot longer than necessary (she could have just said «I like that you, unlike most of us, always do the right thing» and the message would have been the same), maybe because Lottie was a little drunk which made it more difficult for her to make sense, or maybe because she just liked talking to Laura Lee and the nice smile she gave her throughout her entire monologue.
After she forced herself to shut up, Lottie looked at Laura Lee expecting her to compliment her back with her typical «you're beautiful to the eyes of our Lord». But instead, she said

"I like that you didn't yell at me when everyone did back there" Lottie's mind went to the moment Laura Lee was referring to when everyone has yelled, «shut the fuck up, Laura Lee!» When she just asked what was going on. Lottie had thought that was rude of them. "and I like that you see me."

She left her side after that statement, leaving a really confused yet happy Lottie. She wasn't sure what Laura Lee meant by «you see me», but she felt like it was true. Lottie did see her. And she liked what she saw.

I just made this to practice my shitty English (sorry about that btw lol) and bc I'm obsessed with these two even though they never interact lol. Also, I can't wait for ep5 to come outtt I hope it has more Lottie Lee than all the previous episodes hahaha.
Oh also I'm too lazy to edit a good cover sorry.

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