S2 Ch2: Training

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General James Ironwood is currently in the basement of Beacon academy talking with Glynda about what to do next while covering Ambers body so that she may have a proper burial along with Ozpin.

James: *sigh* This is bad. What are we going to do now?- he asked nervous. After all of this and the fact that Hydra managed to take control of his tech so easily is nerv racking. And to top it all of he has a feeling that there might be a chance that there are posible moles in Atlas military if what Jaune Arc told him about his past life. Things are just getting wors and worse

Glynda: *puts a hand on his shoulder and gives him a sweet smile* For one, Getting agitated wont help James. And two, you are not alone in this. We will figure out how to make it out of this *grabs his hand* together

James: *looks at her for a moment and gives a small smile* Thanks Glynda. Im just worried for everyones safety *looks down sad* I know how some people don't like my way of handling situations but I just want whats best for everyone, human and Faunus. All I want is for them to live in peace without the worry of Grimm knocking at their door*clenching his fists in anger* and people like Jacques are making it difficult to earn the trust of the people out side of Atlas

Glynda: *worried* I know it must be hard for you James but I know you can make that happen. The road maybe bumpy but I know that we will make it through this. And we will have the help of Jaune and his friends

James: Your right. Thank you Glynda, that really helped me. You know Im actually trying to get Jacques sent to prison. I even have the proof to leave him there for a long time *he said confident*

Glynda: *shocked* then why didn't you arrest him already if you have the proof James?

James: *flops over and cry's anime tears* because he has connections and some of the council members  would help him out of prison *straightens up with a determined look* but me and Winter are secretly finding information on the members that I have a hunch that are corrupt so that they can lose their power and also go to jail along with Jacques. Winter, Weiss, Willow and the Faunus suffered long enough under that man and those council members rule. Someone needs to stop them and I am going to do that if its the last thing I do.

Glynda stares at James for a moment. Shocked at the determination he has. And for some reason she began to feel warm as her cheeks began to get a little red

Glynda: *kisses his cheek* thats sweet of you James but lets focus on the now like for example: Re-building Vale and try and locate where and who Ozpin reincarnate to

Jame nods at this until he received a notification on his scroll and he looks at it for a moment before smirking at what he read

Glynda: *curious* What is it James?

James: Seems that my Spy has found some interesting information from our old enemy- he answers. Earning a shocked look from Glynda

Glynda: You had a Spy in Salems ranks?! Why didn't you tell me or Ozpin about this?

James: To keep her identity on the down low- he answered- She needed to be kept secret so that they don't find out who she is. Not even Winter knows she exists * smirk with pride* she is one of the best to exist. Rivaling or even going beyond Qrow or Winter's skills

Glynda: *even more shocked* wow -thats all she could say at this- what is her name James?

James: Don't worry Glynda you will meet her soon enough- he said as he gave his Spy the order to gather as much info she could get and to regroup to Vale as soon as she can.

Glynda looked over his shoulder to try and see if she could at least get a name but all she could see is "Вдова (E. S.)"

Glynda: (who is Вдова?)

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