Why Him? - Chapter 38

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There you go! Sorry about yesterday ( didn't get to update ) so I'll update another chapter today alright? ✔️ please Vote and comment! Love ya❤️❤️❤️❤️😉😉


What should I get him?...I never buy a gift for a boy before...

" what should we get him? " I ask...JHope wrap his arm around my shoulder...

" I dunno " he said...this is hard....I glance at every shop we pass...

" Taeyhung-Ah and Suga do you have any idea? " I ask...

" a stuffed animal? T-shirt? Cap? Beanies? Shoes? Or unique stuff? " V shrug...

" what do you wanna buy? " Suga ask...I laugh..

" I dunno that's why I'm asking you guys since you're his hyung.." I smile...WHAT THE HELL SHOULD I GET HIM?? WHY DID I EVEN AGREE TO JOIN THIS PARTY THINGY?!

" Well I don't know what that maknae wants too " said Suga...

" my god you guys! You don't even know what your maknae wants?" I laugh....

" hmm let's check that store " said JHope pointing at a hat store...we nod and went in...

" I think it would be better if it was a shoe store " said Suga..

" let's just check this place first" I said as I look around..then someone enter the shop...we turn around it was the assf*ck walking in alone...

" what are you doing here? " JHope ask...the stupid maknae laugh...

" Jin said he's going to the bathroom and he never returned " said the assf*ck..

" he dumb you" said V..the assf*ck chuckled and nod...

" no he ditch me " said the assf*ck..

" now may you please leave? " I said..the assf*ck glared...

" why should I? " he snap..I scrunch my nose..

" because you don't belong here with us " JHope snap...I laugh...

" yeah no one wants you here " V laugh..

" fine! " the assf*ck snap and stomp out of the shop...we started laughing..

( this is boring so I'll just skip this part )

I end up getting the assf*ck a pair of sneakers..or whatever I need to sleep...if anyone will f*cking wake me up I'll f*cking murder them...now shut up...


I came super early today since it's 7:00am in the morning...I just don't feel like wanting to be late...I entered my class, I expect it to be empty but Jungkook was already there..he look up...

" what are you up to? Why are you so early? " I ask as I drop down next to him.

" ask yourself ugly " he said...I glared..

" ouch" the assf*ck groan as he touch his neck...

" it still hurts huh? " I ask...he nod...

" could you check if it's still red? " he ask as he turn around..I froze at first but I lean in...it's a bit red and blue, purple I guess?

" it's a bit of a purple looking " I said as reach out and touch it..I mean poke it abit..

" does it hurt? " I said as I lightly touch the wounded place...

" yeah a bit " he said...this is getting cheesy I should do something....I poke a bit harder and he yelp...turn around and glared at me...

" what?! " I snap...he keeps on glaring...

" you don't have to play dumb " he said as he rub his neck.

" well it was getting out of hand! You know?! We were being to nice to each other! " I said..I slump backward...

" anyway mianhae " I said...the assf*ck laugh..

" see you're the one being nice! " said point at me I push his hand away...

" whatever! " I snap as I turn to the window...

" yah! Did you finish your homework? " he ask...my head snap back around...there's a f*cking homework? Why didn't I kno- I was cut when I realize what was happening...the assf*ck has his eye wide open because...my lips were on his ...My eye widen and I push him away...

" yah! " I yell and stood up...

" what?! " he snap and stood up too..

" WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPEN? " I yell..he look at me eye wide open..

" WE ACCIDENTALLY KISS I GUESS! " He shout...oh no this shouldn't happen at all...no...I sighed and slump back down...

" if JHope know he'll kill me " said the assf*ck as he sat down too...I rub my face...

" Aish you're so annoying " I snap..

" why me?! " he complain....

" you know why dumbass! " I snap...

" now what's the homework?" I ask...

" there's none I was only joking ugly" he laugh...I furiously glared at him..

" oh I'm so gonna kill you assf*ck! " I glared...

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