Why Him? - Chapter 51

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School club was over...i walked out with Jungkook....

" wanna go eat something with me? " he ask....I stared suspiciously at him...

" so you could poison me? " I smirk....

" yeah...but seriously I need ice cream " he smile....this is weird...I never really have been this close to him....we always fight.....

" fine! But let's invite the boys and Yeeun " I said....

" shh! No! Just you and me! " he said...

" hmm.....don't think too much dummy " I tease....he scrunch his nose...

" let's go " he said...I smile....wait...wait...wait...why am I acting like this around him...we're suppose to hate each other...but I felt different after he admit his true feelings....

" hey stalker! It's my treat alright? " I whisper.....

" no it's my treat since I'm the one inviting you " he smile...f*ck it! Those cute smiles...

" alright and don't forget to add a very poisonous poison into my ice cream " I laugh he chuckled....I stopped laughing the moment I reach JHope and Mina walking together....JHope stared at me...I stared back for a matter of second and looked down....it's really awkward staying near your ex...and it's painful too...Jungkook must have notice it cause he patted my back...

" Sae-in-ah you should forget the past already...move on...move to a new world " he said...

" new world? You mean you want me to die? " I huff....

" no not that way I mean move on...meet a new person who'll take care of you...I know JHope hyung had lots affects on you but isn't it time to find a new person?" He said....I smile..

" right " I laugh and continue walking....

"Yah! Why are you like this?! " he snap...I glared...

" what?! I am me! " I snarl....

" stop acting like shit! And move on already! " Jungkook spat...

" whatever assf*ck " I huff...

" you really didn't get what I mean did yah? " he ask...I lift my eyebrow...what the hell is he talking about?

" what?" I ask...he sighed....

" you are really dumb....I mean my hint was...you know...move on..." He scratch his head.,..

" I'm not dumb and I am moving on" I snap....he suddenly stop and face me....

" than-than w-ill you be my girlfriend?" He ask....my eye widen...my heart thumping against my chest like a hammer....I was dumbstruck...did he really ask me out?...is this a dream?.....I hate him but I could feel joy inside me...what the hell.... Why am I happy about this?......shit....I'm dumbstruck....what should I say?,....why am I like this? Do I like him too?....wait what?....

" I don't know..." I whisper as I started blushing so hard....Yeeun words echoed in my head...all this time it was a love triangle....

" I take that as a yes " he smile and pinch my cheek...I glared...

" yah! I didn't agree yet! " I snap...he started walking...

" you would have said no if you didn't agree...I don't know means maybe and maybe means yes but you're just to dumb to realize " he said...no no no this couldn't happen....

" fine! " I snap...I was lost in word...what he just said was it true?....am I really falling for him...let's give it a try....

" that means you're mine now? " he ask....I blush like a tomato....

" no " I said...

" hmm,....that's a yes...you're just shy" he laugh...I rub my face....

" THAN YOURE MINE TOO! " I burst...I covered my mouth....

" no no no I didn't mean-"

" Yeah sure why not innie " he smile as he wrap his arm around my shoulder....I move away abit....

" no need to be shy " he pull me back...

" I hate you " I mumble...

" I love you too " he said....my cheek were on fire now...why am I like this?i need to play back...

" hah! You said you love me Jeon Jungkook! " I clap..his cheek turn red....

" shut up " he snarl....I started laughing....

" haha you're such a stalker! " I continued...

" I'll kiss you if you say that one more time! " he warn...I smirk...

" yeah right stalker " I laugh...he suddenly pull me into a hug and planted his lips on mine....my eye widen...I push him away...

" you! " I bellowed...he laugh,,,

" told yah " he wink....I looked down...actually I like it...I am falling for him....I grumpily lean against his shoulder....

" I like you " I admit...

" you mean love? " he ask....i nod...

" we'll end up like me and JHope anyway..." I sighed....he stopped walking stared at me...

" n-no! Never! We'll last forever " he said....

" that's what I thought too when I was with JHope but no it weren't what I expected " I said....he place both hand beside my shoulder....

" We will last forever " he said...I stared at him...I hugged him....

" promise? " I ask...

" I swear " he answer....

" now common I'm hungry " I pull him...there I go again! I don't know which way this will leads to but I'm hungry so whatever....we enter the shop...our hand embrace....there's a few student from our school here too...we sat down...people stared at us from the other tables....

" what could I get you? " a waitress ask...I look at Jungkook..

" what do you want? " he ask...

" something poisonous kookie...anyway order me anything...imma use the restroom for a moment..." I said and went to the rest room...I walk blackout when a bunch of girl bumped into me...

" sluts " the middle one said...

" what did you say? " I snap...

" haha you played with JHope oppa and broke his heart and now you're trying to steal kookie oppa? " she laugh the others nod....

" excuse me, while I plot your death? I am not a slut! You don't know the story so shut up you stupid whore " I push past...they pulled me back...

" don't you dare call me that! " the middle girl threaten...

" whatever bitch now bye " I said...they pull me back again...

" don't- "

" yah! Got any problem here? " Jungkook appeared...the girls froze...

" kookie oppa! We're only trying to give her a lesson! She's tricking you! " the girl point at me...

" excuse me? She's my girlfriend and you stupid women stop bashing her because she's mine! " he snap...

" oppa! " they groan...

" come on let's go " he pull me with him...


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