CH3, "Fangirls, they say?"

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As people start to swarm Kazuha and Albedo, Aether and Scaramouche appeared,

Aether: "Cut it out,"

All attention is now at Aether and Scaramouche,

"Isn't that the new student? he looks so.."

"He looks so cute WAAH"

"Another guy added to my book of crushes,"

Aether kept cringing at the words that he heard from the crowd,

Aether: "Okay, so could you please move out the way?"

Random Girl Shit: "O-of course!, may I ask your name?"

Aether: "It's Aether, please to meet you I suppose?"

Eloise: "Mines Eloise!"

Aether: "Mhm,"

Aether goes to sit at the table with a tray of chicken curry, and Scaramouche behind him,

Aether: "I get what you mean now.."


Albedo: "It's a pain,"

Kazuha: "But it looks like they found another hotshot,"

Scaramouche: "You mean-"

Aether: "Hold on me?"

Albedo: "It seems like it"

Aether: "What,"

The 3 laughed while eating leaving Aether confused and dumbfounded,

Scaramouche: "Hey Aether,"

Aether: "What do you want Mr bully"

Scaramouche: "I'm sorry,"

Aether dropped his fork and started choking on his food, luckily Kazuha was there to give him water,

Aether: "Y-your what?!"

Scaramouche: "I'm sorry,"

Aether: "WTF"

Kazuha: "Now you guys can be friends!"

Albedo: "Why so sudden?"

Scaramouche: "I..just feel like it,"

Aether: "Hm, fine!"

Scaramouche: "Really?"

Aether: "Yes! so now we are friends get that?"

Scaramouche suddenly hugs Aether, but then quickly let's go,

Aether: "Thanks, I needed a hug"

Aether continues to eat his chicken curry,

Scaramouche widens his eyes, shocked at what Aether says

Scaramouche: "You're..welcome?"

Aether: "Oh!, right. My class after lunch is Art,"

Kazuha: "I sense jealousy"

Aether: "Hm? why so?"

Kazuha: "Albedo"

Kazuha points at Albedo,

Aether: "Albedo? are you feeling alright?"

Albedo: "I. I am completely fine,"

Scaramouche: "Are you sure?"

Kazuha: "Both of you might not be good friends, but all 3 of us are still concerned,"

Albedo: "Really, I'm fine"

A wild school year (Aether Harem) | DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now