Chapter Thirty Five

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It was a sunny morning, Jean sighed, looking at the beautiful house in front of her. House number D was getting decorated and renovated. She looked at the blueprint plan, and then at the house, absorbing each detail. The house was going to get designed, and she couldn't help but feel excited and proud; excited because Richard had been so impressed and happy with her marketing strategy, and proud, well, she was freaking proud of him.

He had established so much at such an young age, and she knew this project would decide further opportunities for him and Enigmatic Homes in the future.

At present, she had been dragged here by him, and he had given the reason that he wanted her presence near him every second of the day. She had felt so flushed at that. The designers worked on the outside walls, the painters colouring their huge brushes with a shade of light, crystalline green that sparked her vision so beautifully.

She noticed him dictating his team what to do and what not to do. Seriously, she had no work here. So she stayed away. In a trance, she hadn't noticed a strong pair of arms gripping her waist, not until his fingers made patterns on her navel. "You should work, Richard Hamilton."

"Oh, really? But, why is it that whenever I see you, I can't concentrate?" He said naughtily, drawing closer to her face.

She shivered. She was still reeling from all the lovemaking one day ago at the party. Gosh. She had been so embarrassed and he had been so gentle and loving. He had taken her so softly, kissed every corner of her body with such intense tenderness that she had wanted to weep in joy. She didn't know if this was permanent, but he had said that he wanted her, and he was always showing her how much he wanted her, with his actions, his gestures and his expressions. How could she doubt him?

She rested her hands on his chest, intending to push him away, instead she let herself get pulled by him. "Mm, if I'm such a distraction, don't you think I should go?"

"Never." He smirked, pressing a possessive kiss on her mouth that left her head reeling with desire.

God, she had never felt this away about a man. Everytime he came near her, her insides throbbed with painful arousal. She loved him, for God's sake. This reaction of hers was natural. At first, she only liked him as her boss's younger brother, then she had developed a crush on him, pinned on him for months, and after she had agreed to be his fake fiance, she had realised that she was head over heels in love with him.

"Okay, then go to work." She did a sing-song, her eyes pooling with love.

"I love how you sing. Your voice-"

She trembled, suddenly aware of that fact that she had sang again. The possibility of him saying that her voice was like Elizabeth too, shattered her spirit.

"is so fucking beautiful. Sweet, just like you." he completed his sentence, and she took a huge sigh of relief.

These two days were going so well for her. After that passionate time they had spent in the party, he had been spending most of his time with her. Lunch, with her. Dinner, with her. Any moment of leisure between work, with her. She bubbled with enthusiasm as she remembered how pleadingly he had looked into her eyes and asked her to join him in the renovation site because he didn't wanna be apart from her.

"Thank you, I hear you're a good singer, too." She played with his hair. "Why don't you sing anymore?"

She felt him stiffen under her touch, so she cupped his cheek, making him look into her eyes. "Look at me, Rich...Don't let my mom destroy you like she destroyed me. Don't let her break your spirit."

His eyebrows quirked at that. "Destroyed you?" His grip on her waist tightened. "What happened with you, what did she do to you?"

The horrid flashes of her past invaded her mind. She shook her head. "Nothing specific, just that she wasn't a great mother. Or even a great person. Still isn't, though."

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