Not his type

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Twilights eyes snapped open. it wasn't the birds chirping or the hustle and bustle of the city below, it was the sound of a loud but slightly nervous knock at the door.
"Who is it?" Twilight called just loud enough to be heard on the other side of the door but not too loud.
"Um it's flash sentry one of the royal guards, princess celestia requested for me to wake you." flash replied.
'He sounds more nervous than his knock.' twilight thought smiling.
She walked up to the door and opened it. the Orange Pegasus was standing by the door exactly where she predicted.
"Hi flash." twilight cheerfully said.
"Um hi princess are you ok?" Flash questioned, a slight smile creeping across his face.
"I'm fine, what about you, you look happy?"twilight replied noticing how he had the same smile from when she first met him.
"I'm ok, but I'm not the only pony whose happy". he said while indicating towards twilight.
"Hiiiii twilllliiigghhttt!" pinkie yelled as she rollerblades down the castle corridors.
Twilight giggled as she watched her best friend disappear round a corner. flash went pink when he heard her, he tried to look away immediately but it was too late twilight noticed.
"Flash are you blushing?" Twilight asked getting curious.
"Um... no defiantly not, i mean why would I be I'm just a royal guard after all." flash responded quickly, his nervousness escalating quickly.
"Flash you're still a pony so there's many reasons for you do so, do you like pinkie?" Twilight joked hoping for a no.
"What!? No! She's not my type!?" Flash laughed.
"I know, are you on duty?" Twilight questioned flash.
"Um yes and no, prince shi... your brother told me that after I saw to princess celestia I could have some time off," flash answered twilight as honestly as he could, "so unless you want something from me then yea."
"Well I don't have any needs, just talking would be nice." twilight admitted, although she was just hoping to pick up on some feelings of flash's that she hadn't noticed before.

AN/:sorry I haven't updated in like forever but I've been doing tons of other things as life for me lately has been pretty stressful, especially with the face that my unborn nephew has a 1/100 chance of having downs which is a high risk compared to the normal chances, so sorry have a cookie as an apology 🍪

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2015 ⏰

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