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Name: Ezekiel Kenward

Nickname: Zeke

Male he/him


Sub-group:plain angel (guardian)/snow angel

Sexuality: pan

Currently: Guardian

Personality: Ezekiel is a very subservient, submissive and loyal person. His largest purpose in life is to protect. It's a goal he completes with as much dedication, motivation as possible however when there's no need he steps down. He's gentle, caring, motherly, affectionate and friendly.   All this traits can backfire on him in bad ways too for exemple if there's no one around to tell him what to do or he fails in protecting someone he'll have an identity crisis .He can go overbourd with his protectivness sometimes which could cause annoyance to the other person or his need to protect them can develope in an unhealthy obsession.
In curtain dangerous situations like when he has to fight to protect somone he's aggressive and obsessive in the sense where he can not physically stop until the thing is taken down. This is also the only situation in which he wouldn't obey orders and would act independently. When there's no need for protection and he's allowed to be open he's very sweet, gentle, excitable and talkative. If not he'll act seriouse, quite and distant.

Hip length white hair, dark green eyes, unatiurally pale skin (paler then the face claim). Large white set of wings. He usually wears black old worn out , some what torn clothes, gloves and a long black hooded cloak large enough to cover his wings.

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Multiple layers of healed cuts and stab marks along his chest , arms and legs.  Large healed burn mark on his back from where his wings start to where they his back ends. Unhealed vampire like bite mark on his neck.

Normal powers: heightened senses((not active 24/7. Only when necessary)), teleportation, invisibility, the ability to grant ONE blessing for the person he protects

Special power:
He can freeze things with physical contact but it won't work if it's elements like air, fire.  If it's something larger he'll have to continuesly hold it till it completely freezes. The ice will melt over time or when exposed to fire. Where ever he goes will instantly have a drop in temperature.
The side effect is that he's stuck with an eternal feeling of cold which can be broken after he feels true warmth but it'll kill him.
Heat demages his ice powers which can also kill him over time if he losses them fully. However he doesn't fully comprehand this and still attempts to get warm.

someone innocent dieing and not being able to do anything about it
being alone for too long
becoming useless
Failing in protecting
Hurting innocent people

The feeling of physical pain
Being ignored
Having to take charge
Species of animals and creatures that kill
Lakes or any body of water
The cold (despite always being cold))
Not being told what to so
And so on

Feeling wanted
Innocent creatures (plants, children, good people and every species of creatures and animals that do not kill)
Swords or any blade based weapons
Any activity associated with winter
And so on

Backstory :  Ezekiel was born to a mother, Snow angel and father, guardian ange in heaven. He was born with ice powers do strong that only a touch was enough to freeze anything and simply walking into a room would freeze it. When he was 7 his mother was killed for refusing to continue fighting as the main weapon of an angel army on earth. Since he was already so strong they took him to use as the new main weapon. His father who wasn't ice proved froze and died, trying to protect him. A group of warriors taught him to fight but most importantly protect and do as he was told. As the years went by he fought and fought, not fully comprehanding what he was doing as he was too young and innocent but  never questioning anything, in a state of numb obedience where he didn't even speak , think or do anything on his own because any form of free will was seen as bad by him. The possibility of becoming a guardian after the war ended was his only hope and everything he lived for. At night he took care of Peter/Emmerich, who he saw as a brother. He had a sister with the same type of power only with fire. They were eachothers weakness, prolonged contact would kill them. On the day the war finally ended she ordered him to kill her. As he froze her, her heat also demaged his powers. Thankfully he didn't die from that event but his powers were demaged. Since the war was over and he wasn't useful or strong enough anymore  they kind of put him on the sidelines, only using him rarely. Luckily he still had the possibility if becoming a guardian and now with the free time he trained to become one. Over  time he regained his sence of identity. On his 20th birthday he was finally given someone to protect as a guardian.

Some of his memories are warped by his limited understanding of situations or completely missing because he either suppressed them or Peter/Emmerich brain washed him to forget them so when it comes to his past he's not a reliable source.

He's not OP anymore, it's just in the backstory.  He's an average ice user now with fighting skills.

Usually carries a sword around but also keeps knifes and daggers in his cloaks pockets unless told he shouldn't by who ever he's the guardian of.

Usually carries a sword around but also keeps knifes and daggers in his cloaks pockets unless told he shouldn't by who ever he's the guardian of

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His cloak is a comfort item, he never takes it of unless he has to or it's forcibly taken of by someone he takes orders from.

He has a biological sister who he doesn't remember at all and brother who he doesn't know he's related to. He sees Philip/Emmerich and his sister as his siblings.

Due to growing up fighting 24/7 his knowledge on avarege every day things is warped or non existent.

Despite wanting to protect and be of use he won't do it unless he is told to or it's a really dangerous situation, if not he'll act like a normal person.

He used to have a phobia of touching people which he has since worked threw enough to be able to touch others but it's not completely gone. He'll only agree to touch the person he's a guardian of or a lover since he'd trust himself not to hurt them but even then sudden and unexpected touches would activate his ice.

He has PTSD, probably poorly written tho..

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