Big Hero 7: Hiro Meets Sunfire --- By: Stella

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BH7 little short by me :)
Hiro stares at the unusually black rock on the ground. He breathes heavily and shakily, reaching down to pick it up. He didn't know what it could be. Then, suddenly, "Hiro, do no-" Hiro jumped back. His heart rate was now increased. "Baymax! You almost gave me ANOTHER heart attack!" he said, calming down and looking back at Baymax slowly. "Hiro, my sensors are detecting radioactive signals from- that debris." Hiro shrugged it off. "Baymax, it's just a rock, don't worry." he picked up the small rock, then showed it to Baymax. "Hiro?" he said as the small 'rock' turned a bright blue. "hm..." he said, as the rock flew out of his hands. He heard a large /clink/ noise in the distance. It was a foggy day, which was not helping at all. He then saw a light in the distance, and he fell into some hole. What hole? There were no open holes anywhere in Fransokyo. Everything was dark. Hiro couldn't see anything, and he was too scared to move. "Tadashi is here." he heard Baymax say. Baymax was down there too. "He's not here, Baymax! We already went through this..." he sighed as he walked around, trying to find Baymax. "Hiro!" a familiar voice said, followed with a sharp growl. He knew this voice...could it be?
"T-Tadashi!" Hiro almost screamed out. "I can't see you. Where are you?!" Hiro replied, a single tear running down his cheek. He kept hearing the growl in his mind, and he knew something- something bad- had happened to Tadashi. "Where ar- ouch!" He said, feeling a hot thing- almost like fire- touch his shoulder. "Hiro! You have to leave!" his voice tried to guide him to safety, but Hiro didn't want to leave his older brother. His eyes were stained with tears, and he was holding back all the sobs. "T-Tadashi..." he felt even more heat around his ankles, then he decided to run. All out of nowhere, his biggest fears appeared in front of him. A fire surrounded him, he saw Tadashi as he walked slowly into the fire. He saw himself- that shattered him. He ran back and tried to find Baymax, and he wasn't holding back his sobs. The floor was now made of thorn bushes, scraping his legs as he ran away from everything. Even Tadashi. His eyes were now stinging as he wiped the pain away and screamed, "Tadashi! Please! Where are you!?" He looked around more, feeling soft vinyl: Baymax. He hugged Baymax and tried to disappear from everything going on around him. He didn't know what was going on, but he wanted to know where Tadashi was. That's all he wanted. He saw a blue glow in the distance, and ran toward it while dragging Baymax along. It was a portal, the exact same one that Alistair Krei had used for his experiment, but this did not look like the please they were teleported to when they went to save Callaghan's daughter. No, this was different. Hiro didn't know what to do, so he chose the best choice. He dove into the portal.
"But... Tadashi..."
he thought, his heart still racing. Did Tadashi want to stay? What was with Tadashi? He had to find out. And he had to find out.
He was going to save his brother.
⇘ the sun fire

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