(*•°•°I think I love you°•°•*) 1k special!

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The wind gushed through the delicate garden of the Water estate, slowly and softly sweeping through the various flower species sprinkled around it.

The long and deep exhale of the seemingly mint scented garden filled my nose with delight as I stared off into the distance, random thoughts filling my curious mind.

I enjoyed quiet times like these, I wouldn’t deny it.

It was a time to somehow get away from the stressful and dangerous job of slaying demons during the night time. I felt at peace

After a seemingly long while of peace and tranquility throughout the day, soft and almost quiet footsteps approached my figure before taking a seat right beside me.

“That cloud looks like you” he said to me, bringing his finger up to the clear azure sky and pointing at an infinitely shaped cloud that roamed around the surface of the figure.

“How so?” I asked Muichiro, tilting my head slightly to the side, trying to figure out the meaning behind his random statement.

“You’re very confusing plus you are hard to read and understand” he plainly stated when he turned to face me.


“But that makes you all the more interesting. You reflect bright rays of sunshine's most times that make everyone smile, but you also have the ability to get mad and reflect grey or dark light quite slowly due to your size. You are random. Some parts of you may be mad while the other  side may be happy…..” he continued, trailing off.

“Very interesting….” he mumbled to himself, now looking back at the clouds that covered the afternoon sky in the estate.

“I wonder what cloud I am” he trailed off again, leaving a now dominant idea in your mind, thinking of a way to bring it up to his attention.

“You’re that one” I said to him, pointing at a white clear and little cloud in the sky.

“Hmm?” he asked, looking up in that direction my s/c finger currently pointed in.

“You’re simple, but also sometimes impossible to read because your attitude might change quickly due to how small you are” I stated to him, resting both of my hands by each side of my being.

“Oh” he whispered quietly, his eyes averting to another direction as mine averted too.

After spending a while looking up at the clouds, I suddenly felt some form of warmth over my right hand signaling my head to look at the source.

It was Muichiro’s hand which was now placed on mine.

“Your hand is warm” he commented, holding my hand in his while my cheeks erupted in a light blush.

“Hmm?” he hummed when he looked at me, then pointed at my cheeks before bringing his face ever so close to mine.

“Your cheeks are red. Are you sick?” he nonchalantly asked me, softly placing his left hand on my left cheek to feel my temperature.

“Y-yeah!” I stuttered, hastily making an effort to remove his hand before he ended up doing it.

“Weird”, he stated and after that, a very familiar awkward silence filled the room. Though I was pretty sure it was just awkward for me.

“Hey Muichiro, wanna play a game?” I inquired an answer from him, looking at the male staring at the sky, finally breaking the uncomfortable silence streak.

“What is it about?” he replied back with a question.

“Let’s see? You see the clouds up there?” I said, pointing up at the sky.


“You have to guess the shape of the cloud the opponent thinks of and picks. If you get it right, we move on, if you get it wrong, however, you have to say something embarrassing about yourself” I challenged him, confident I was going to win this new competition.

“Sure?” he replied again in a question-like manner.

“Let the game begin!” I excitedly shouted.

Time skip

‘Holy shit he’s good at this-’ I internally cursed myself for now realizing that he had been looking up at the clouds for most of his life.

Not that we were supposed to keep scores or anything, but it was down to 23 - 0. The one with the 23 wins being Muichiro.

I’ve already had to say very embarrassing things about myself at this point as I ran out of reasonable secrets. This was getting bad. 

“What does that cloud look like?” He asked me again, snapping me out of my soliloquy as I looked at the cloud he pointed at.

“A cylinder?” I said to him, unsure of my answer seeing that I was already losing to him.

"I guess it does" he answered to my reply then a small twinkle appeared in my eye as the ever so longing concept roamed my head.

"Did I get it right?" I happily asked him hoping that I had finally won.

“Sure I guess?” he replied before a whole victory celebration had simulated in my mind.

Muichiro’s P.O.V.

‘Finally, she won’ I quiered watching her eyes that seemed to have a hint of happiness in her.

‘Her eyes are very pretty’ I thought to myself, now staring at her e/c orbs as she looked at the sky.

All I wanted was to go home and stop this game, but I knew I’d leave her unsatisfied with the results so I picked a fairly easy one and gave her the win.

‘This is so boring……….’

“Your turn!” she suddenly spoke up, turning her head to look at me.

‘We’re still continuing this?’

“What does that look like?” y/n had asked me, pointing to one that looked very familiar.

‘For her sake, I’ll purposely lose’

“Like a circle” I replied then her orbs again shined.

“You’re wrong!” She celebrated my inevitable loss in this game.

“So? What’s your embarrassing fact?” she inquired from me.

“Huh? Embar-” I planned to say but shut my mouth in response.

I had completely forgotten about the rule of the embarrassing fact.

“Alright. Do you wanna know what it is?” I asked her to confirm that she actually wants to hear it.

“Of course I do!” the h/c haired slayer replied quite quickly.

I think I love you

Word count: 1042 words.

To be continued by the 2k special

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