Chapter Sixteen: Scheming Between Two Evils

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Chapter Sixteen: Scheming Between Two Evils

“So are things in place for their arrival?” the king asked. “Yes your majesty I have done everything that you asked when they return home they will have a surprise out of this world awaiting them.” The lady laughed.

“Good just remember you are the one who brought this idea to my attention so you better not back out on your end of the deal.” The king growled. “I have no intentions on backing out of our plan trust me whatever pain is delivered upon her will be well deserved.” The lady replied.

“No one and I mean no one can ever know my involvement in any of this because it would ruin my son to know his own father help sabotage his oh so perfect life.” The king ordered. “Our little secret sir, I promise.” She replied.

“It better be because I can always bring back the guillotine if needed.” He threatened her. “I assure you there won’t be any need for that now when are they due back?” she asked. “In a couple of days which isn’t soon enough I hate having to put on this façade of being overjoyed by their union.” He smirked.

“I can only imagine what it must be like for you I am so thankful I haven’t had to be near her or her mutt and I hope I never have to again.” The woman laughed. “If duty calls for it you will and you will put on your best smile and act as if nothing is wrong do you understand me?” he demanded.

“Yes your majesty.” She replied. “Good now I need you to do a little digging on a hunter in the human world he may prove to be of use to us at some point in time.” The king told her. “Ok sir what is this hunter’s name?” she asked.

“Draven Keetes.” The king replied. “Wait isn’t he the descendant of the great Bartholomew Keetes?” she asked. “Yes he is and I hear he is the best of the best and he will work with anyone for the right price.” The king replied.

“I will see what I can get on him although I fear it may be a very hard task.” She answered starting to second guess whether working with the king was a good idea. “If you can’t accomplish what I ask then I will have no need for you and get rid of you.” He snarled.

“I never said I couldn’t do it just said it wasn’t going to be easy.” She replied so fast that her words came out a jumbled mess. “I never said any of this was going to be easy, you knew exactly what you were getting into when you decided to start working with me to save our kingdom from having a traitor as our queen.” He smirked.

“I know and thankfully my status in this area gives me unlimited resources to finish the task you have given me.” She smiled. “That is why I was glad to hear you were on board with everything when Damien called me after you contacted him.” He replied.

“Is there anything else you need from me? I fear my husband will be returning soon and he can’t find out I am behind any of this.” She asked as she looked at the time. “No Mrs. Stone there isn’t anything else at this time I expect a full report soon on the hunter so I will be in contact.” He said hanging up the phone.

“Hunter? Father who were you talking to?” Brody asked walking into the study. “Oh nothing to concern you with my son.” He replied afraid that Brody might of heard to much. “No more secrets come out with it I can handle things now I’m not a little boy anymore.” Brody said sitting across from his father.

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