Chapter One: Present Day

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Chapter One: Present Day


"Sorry to just drop Hope off and run Mrs. Daniels but I'm running late for work again and I was informed yesterday that if I'm late again they are going to cut my hours which I can't afford." Bianca rushed into the Daniels house with Hope at her heels.

"Bianca how many times have I told you to call me mom?" Tanya Daniels said hugging Bianca. "I know I'm sorry, mom." She smiled pulling away from her. "It's ok dear." Tanya smiled at her.

"Now you be good for grandma while mommy goes to work and I promise to stop by and see you before I head to school." Bianca said pulling a now four year old Hope to her chest. "I will mommy, I love you." Hope said squeezing Bianca's neck.

"I love you too, baby." Bianca said kissing her daughter on the forehead before bolting out the door. She flew to town in hopes she made it in time not wanting her hours cut more than they already had to be in order for her to attend her classes.

If she had it her way she wouldn't be going to the ASB she would just work forty hours a week and not have to worry about making ends meet. But since it was law that any and all supernatural beings must attend the ASB once they complete twelfth grade.

Bianca wasn't like most of the people her age attending the academy. She was on her third year of being a Second Year and until she found her mate she wouldn't ever advance on to being a Third Year or even get to graduate.

She hated having to repeat the same classes over and over but she knew the penalty for not going to school so she had no choice but to attend classes. She had thought about several ways to get out of school on her way to work on several occasions but today she came closer to a solution and that was taking Hope and leaving the state.

 She knew that she would have to start saving up all the money she could until she had enough to start over somewhere they wouldn't be found. She rushed into work clocking in and making it to the morning meeting area with a minute to spare.

She spent the entire meeting thinking of places that were secluded and they could run off to without any worries about being found. She smiled to herself as she remembered all the stories the Daniels had told her about their trip to Alaska. She knew exactly where they would be going and where they would live.

After the meeting she went to the department that she had recently become manager of and started preparing everything for the opening of the store. After an hour of straightening up the clothing racks and tables her boss approached her with someone she hadn't seen before, she instantly sensed that he was a werewolf.

 "Bianca this is our newest employee who will be helping out in your department from now on I'd like for you to show him the ropes." Mr. Sandusky said before walking away. She wasn't sure how to approach him knowing he most likely could sense that she had a child with a human.

She reminded herself that this was her job and she couldn't afford to screw it up. "So what is your name it seems Mr. Sandusky forgot to mention it?" she asked waiting to see if he replied.

"Brody Michaels." He said never making eye contact with her. "It's nice to meet you Brody I am the manager of the Men's department so if you ever have any questions or need some help feel free to ask me." She smiled as she led him to the Men's department overflow closet.

She could tell by the way he avoided eye contact with her that he was going to be like all the others. "I have a question but it's not about work." Brody spoke up surprising her. "Um ok what is it?" She asked fidgeting with her sleeves.

"Why are you working here in the human town when you are an Alpha female?" he asked. "I was banished from my family four years ago after I gave birth to my daughter." Bianca answered figuring he could sense that anyways.

"I find that to be a little harsh just because you had a child while unmated." Brody said causing Bianca to stare at him in shock. "The problem wasn't that I was unmated the problem was it was with a human." She said looking away from him as she awaited the criticism.

"Why on earth would the Alpha's daughter have a child with a human?" he asked her surprised that he hadn't sensed it. "It wasn't on purpose I was drugged and raped." She said turning and leaving the room. "Wait I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you." Brody said going after her.

"No I'm sorry I shouldn't have let it upset me now where were we?" Bianca said walking back into the storage area. She began to think out things a bit when it hit her, he had sensed she came from the Alpha line but didn't acknowledge she had a child with a human until she told him.

She was really confused now because only certain wolves were able to sense the Alpha line in a wolf that wasn't an Alpha yet. Those wolves came from the very first werewolf line and were the strongest of all wolves not to mention the fact that they were considered to be the royals of their kind.

She figured it had to be some kind of mistake because there was no way on earth that a wolf from royal blood would be working in a human town in a department store it was completely unheard of.

She decided he had to know who she was but for some reason wanted to ask for himself. The rest of the day they spent in silence other than her showing him how to do certain things or answering the occasional question he had.

She couldn't wait for her shift to end because her nerves were a jumbled mess so she found herself rushing to her car once it was three. She rushed to the Daniels house to spend an hour with Hope before she had to rush to school for the evening.

As she roamed the halls of school she couldn't help but think about Brody. She knew it was pointless because there was no way on earth he was going to give her the time of day.

When she entered her last class of the day she overheard a couple of unmated girls gossiping about the new family in town who had not one or two or even three unmated sons but four, which was a big deal because there weren't many unmated males left in the area.

Bianca wondered if that could be Brody's family they were talking about but she soon pushed those thoughts out of her mind to concentrate on taking notes for her upcoming finals of the semester, finals that she has taken twice before, finals that she knew the answers to in her sleep but she insisted on keeping her mind off Brody Michaels.


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