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I walked into my first period class, her not having left my mind, how perfect she is. It's wrong, and I know it is. I could loose my job but I can't help wonder if it would all be worth it for, her.

I set up my laptop, still allowing the class to talk and chatter whilst they all also set up. I usually couldn't care less about what my students are saying, it's usually boring anyways, but today was different. I couldn't help my hear in to what they were saying, it made my blood boil as I knew it was a rumour.


I walked into my period one, maths. I hated maths, not as much as I hated PE though, thinking about PE it's a Friday meaning I'm going to have it on Tuesday. 3 days to think of another excuse.

I opened the door, keeping my head low hiding from the whispers around me. This usually works but today something different was lined up for me.
As I stepped in the chatter of gossiping went silent. Raising my head I saw 30 pairs of eyes looking at me, in disgust. what the hell?

I didn't know what was happening but I did know I was starting to shake from all the attention, where's Sophia? I gulped, what was I meant to do, sit down? leave the classroom? ask them what there staring at? no I cant do that. I cant do any of them. So instead I just froze, stuck where I was stood.

A couple moments had passed, and the once silent erupted into laughter, boos, gagging noises, and harmful words. The hell?

They were thrown at me left and right, what did I ever do? I could feel tears welling in my eyes. I was angry. Sad. Frustrated. Confused.

Why were they throwing all this shade on me? I wasn't surprised though, everything was going to well with escaping Hayden that I knew something would come crashing down.

Just as my breathing started to quicken the door behind me opened revealing a tall lean women, short ginger hair, a bit chubby, in her late 40s. My maths teacher, Mrs Herry.  
"Alright class shush, today we are."
She had noticed me, stopping her instructions.
"Amara?" I didn't reply.

"Someone go down the hall, get the first teacher you can she's going pale!"


I was so confused, cheated? Amara cheated on Hayden? Yeah fuck no. I'm not believing bullshit like that, come on how stupid can they be?
I couldn't take it anymore, they were going to far calling her names, so I snapped, "Stop talking and complete this worksheet!" I looked around the room at all the now shocked faces.

"If you think it's okay to talk bad about someone then," I tapped my head, "sort this out, and you can walk out that door."

I stood up, exiting the room to quickly head back to my office to grab a folder I forgot.

I was walking down the empty corridors, wondering how such a rumour had got spread out when a student I've never seen before ran up to my from the direction of the maths department.

"Sir! Sir! Mrs Herry needs helps she said to get the first teacher you see!" Oh for gods sake, I cant be dealing with anyones teachers problems, why did this kid seem so desperate, oh is the class being too loud? Yeah I don't have time for that. I waved him off carrying on down to my office but he followed after me,

"It was my fault," he started to blabber, "I shouldn't of listened to Hayden and helped him tell everyone!" I whipped my head round, now interested in what Mrs Herry needed help with.

"So what does Miss Herry want?" my deep voice echoed the corridors.

"I don't know, a girl in my class starting shaking like mad man, going pale and not breathing, help her please!"

I listened to what the boy had to say, he described a panic attack. And I knew a certain someone who struggles with her anxiety, and also has maths period 1.

I ran down the hall, to help my amara.

ps. sorry this chapter is short, however thank you for 100 reads everyone<3


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