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Third POV

(Taekook are home already)

The alpha entered their shared room, laying the omega on the bed before walking to the bathroom to freshen up, later coming back with a wet cloth to clean his mate.

He laid under the blankets pulling the omega closer.

"Can't believe what happened to today *sigh* I hope nobody heard us on stage. I'll have to talk to manager-nim to rearrange our schedule, with jungkook's heat we can't do anything for the next week." He said

He reached over to the nightstand, turning the lights off. Closing his eyes drifting into dream land.

(Later that night)

Taehyung was awoken by the sound of whimpering, quickly opening his eyes to see that Jungkook was not there. He looked at the clock which showed '11:09'. For a second he panicked flying off the bed in search of the omega.

"Bubba where are u baby?" Calling for him only to get another whimper in reply coming from inside the closet. It then clicked in his mind, he (jk) was nesting.

He walked towards the closet slowly opening it, spotting him the farthest corner of the room.

His eyes soften at the seen in front of him, Jungkook was curled up in a little ball surrounded by Taehyung's clothes. "Baby" Jungkook looked at him with purple teary doe eyes. "It hurts so bad taetae" gesturing for the older to come closer.

Cuddling up with the younger he said "I know it does bub I know, do you want your suppressants?" Showing the bottle he had picked up before walking in.

Koo shook his head "koo no want it, only want alpha" shoving his head in his (Taehyung's) chest. "But Koo we did it earlier you may be sore bun" gently petting his head.

Looking into his mate's eyes and said "Koo no care, want alpha please." Tae's eyes flickered red meaning vante took over. "Fine you'll get alpha and only alpha."

*Time skip*

🔞Smut Warning🔞(if you feel uncomfortable please skip)

"" he moaned as Vante fucked him against the wall. It has been hours since they've been at it and koo couldn't get enough of his mate.

"You like that huh omega" he said pounding into him making koo's lips form an 'o' as he tightened his grip around vante.

"ah..Ye..ah" he closed his eyes taking what his alpha gave him but it wasn't enough he wanted more. He opened his purple eyes staring into the red ones ""

"You want more hmm" he said stopping and making his was to the bed. He gently laid him on his side before raising his right leg over his shoulder.

He slammed into koo's hole making him choke on his saliva. "" koo screamed as he (v) was deeper than before.

After about half an hour, koo felt a familiar warm feeling pooling in his lower abdomen again. "" he barely moaned out.

"Not yet omega wait for alpha" he groaned out, he (koo) whined at those words "can'" he screamed. "I'm almost there baby"

It didn't take long before koo made a mess all over their bottom half and the sheets. "Gonna cum bub, where do you want me to" he groaned out. "In..side me alpha please" he cried from the over stimulation.

"Are you sure bub" he questioned wanting to make sure that the younger won't regret it later. "Yes wanna to be filled up, koo wanna have alpha's pups again please" he moaned.

"As you wish baby" he groaned before he knotted koo releasing his loads into him. The omega screamed at the sudden stretch "Hm hurts"

"I know baby, I know it will be over soon" he laid beside koo pulling koo closer caressing his head head. Before the knot disappeared the couple had already fallen asleep.


Koo groaned as he opened his eyes as the sunlight disturbed his sleep. He looked up to see the older still asleep, he smiled but before he could even move, he felt a sharp pain in his stomach.

He whimpered, he wanted to wake Taehyung but he didn't want to disturb his sleep. As he tried to get up he closed his eyes and moaned as he felt something inside him.

By the sudden movement and whimpering, Taehyung woke up. "Bub are you ok?" The younger's eyes snapped open looking at the alpha with pain visible in them. "No" tears welled up in his eyes "I'll help bub"

*Time skip* (an hour later)

Taehyung headed down the stairs leaving a sleeping koo only to see the other members with bags under their eyes. "You guys ok? You look like you did get any sle-" he said before he was cut off by a grumpy alpha.

"of course we didn't you horny alpha, we were up whole night listening to you and Jungkook mating and please guys lets make this house soundproof" yoongi grumbled.

"Agreed" the others said in unison.

"Yah! It's not my fault Jungkook's heat is worse than before ok" he said in defense. "By the way Namjoon hyung can you please contact manager-nim and ask him to rearrange our schedule?"

"sure Taehyung" he got in reply.

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Hi army I know it's been so long since I up dated but here u go. Hopefully I'll update soon whenever I have the time.😁


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