Chapter 2 the new spy

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Cassandra was so shocked"but mom your so boring you can't possibly be a spy". "Well honey I am and how would you like to be one too.""mom I I I would love too but what about my normal life?"" You will have time for that too."

When Cassandra got home she ran straight up into her room. "Cass" her mom said "don't be mad I couldn't tell you till you were old enough to become one." Cassandra didn't look at her mom. "I want to be a spy"said Cassandra. "Oh good I was hoping you would say that honey".

Cassandra went down stairs grabbed her coat and walked to the store. Got what she needed and went home. "When do we start" she said to her mom. "As soon as you put this bracelet on." Cassandra put on the piece of jewelry on in a curious way. "What does this do?"

"It's for comunication if we get lost." All of the sudden a large tv pops up with a mission on it

Go in disguise to olive garden and there will be a man with a large brief case I want you to get the brief case and bring it to headquarters right away. Cassandra's mom pushed a button and said,"we're on it sir" and the tv went down.

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