Chapter 5 - I Had A Mate?

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Ada's POV

I woke up the next morning, sitting up gently on the best bed I have ever been on. I brought my legs up to my chest, before wrapping my arms around them. I couldn't stop thinking about that moment that I had with Sienna. I was meant to hate her for taking innocent lives away and replacing them, but I was slowly beginning to learn that she was actually a good person. She was broken hearted, that's all. But, she turned that broken heart into something far more. I let out a deep sigh, thinking back to what she said to me. 

'I'm glad that I finally found you after years of searching.'

"Years of searching?" I asked myself out loud, before I widened my eyes, figuring it out almost immediately. This could change everything if it was really true. Well, not everything as I wasn't ready to have a friendship with her, or a relationship with her. 

I got out of my bed, before I tidied the bed sheets and walked towards my dresser to pick something out for today. I chosen a pair of black leggings and a light blue top after a couple of minutes deciding. I then walked over to the door and opened it, to hear the sound of a machine from the gym. I guess that was apart of her routine, then. I left my bedroom and went downstairs, past the gym until I heard my name being called.

I stopped, and went into the gym to see what Sienna wanted. "Hey." I said to her, "Hey, are you okay?" she asked me. I looked down, before I looked back up again. Sienna was wearing a tank top this time, but I could still see the outline of her abs. "I have been thinking about what you told me yesterday. About those years of searching for me." I replied, telling her the truth since it would get me off to a good start. "You already figured it out?" she asked me, sounding a little bit surprised. 

"I'm not that dumb." I told her, making her laugh. "Yeah, I knew that from the beginning. Carry on with your theory." she said, still laughing a little. I honestly started to like her laugh at this point. "I think we are destined to be together. Like we are a match." I told her what I thought, until she nodded. "You are correct. We are mates." she said. Mates? I had a mate? What was that?

I arched my eyebrow, confused to hell. This made her laugh some more. Why did she find me amusing? I really was confused.

"Mates are basically lovers. But, we can never be separated from each other." she explained. "So, what happens if...-"

"We don't talk about that, okay? I seen it happen with my very eyes, and it's not nice." she cut me off. Okay, that was fine with me. 

I then gave her a small smile, before I turned around to leave until I felt her grab my hand. "What?" I asked her, and suddenly found myself in her arms as she twirled me around to face her. 

"I really want to kiss you right now." she told me. "I got this urge inside of me and I can't hold it back. Just one kiss?" she then begged. Wait a second, did she really just beg me?

My heart skipped a couple of beats before I thought about it for a couple of seconds. 

"Just one kiss?" I asked her. She nodded, her deep purple eyes pleading with mine. 

"Go on then."

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