Chapter 5:The new reverse flash

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Previously on "son of Twane" Y/N and Foash began there fight has they ran around the city and traded blows but it was Y/N who took the win and has he was about to finish off Foash his father stop him with link he and his son had after explaining things Y/N went to the prison that hind his father and got him out plus his allies and one them was the joker after getting there gear and Eobard and Y/N put on there new clothes they meet outside there they saw three heroes and will they sound cocky Y/N and Eobard didn't mind has they charge at them without a care in the world
Eobard:*distorted voice*Let us teach this so called heroes a lesson Y/N!!

Y/N:*distorted voice*Right!!

Both father and son charge at the heroes an there police back up has Y/N karate kicks Kamui wood sending him back then quickly goes to kick M.T lady only for her to grow big a little and block it has she then grabs his leg and move him up abs brought her close to her face

M.T lady:Hmm~Now that I look at you closely your kinda of a cutie~

Y/N:Sorry but I already got eyes for someone and there not you and I don't think my dad would approve you anyways isn't that right?

On time Eobard speeds runs right up to her face and uppercuts her in the chin making her almost lose her balance Y/N vibrates out her hand and then kicks her in the face making her fall to the side has both speedsters meet back on the ground

Reverse Flash:*distorted voice*On that we can agree

Has the cops were about to open fire five of them were turn into ice has Captain cold freezes sone of them with Prisoners running behind him

C.C:Come on guys let them have there father son bonding time what you say joker you think we should move the locals away

Joker:Your right on that Snarty old pal Hahahaha!!!

Joker throws bombs towards the cops abs then takes out his revolver has he fires at both of them exploding them in the air making them unleash sone time of gas that hits eight of the cops who started laughing but without stop has they fall to the ground

Y/N:*mind*So that's the famous joker toxin Alexis working on

Y/N then dodges Death arm's punch has he then punches him in the face D.A regains back and goes to punch him again Y/N speed dodges and the hero punches the ground cracking it has Y/N goes behind him and tries sky punches him in his back until he goes over him grabs his head abs slams his face on the ground

Y/N:*distorted voice*Whoa you guys seriously suck at being hero can't even stop a bunch of supervillains and one of there son who just started this gig makes you wonder if you can even save people

Death Arm:Shut up!!!

Death arm gets up sending a punch which Y/N dodges has the fake hero charges at him again going for punch only to be block by a grey hand has Grundy steps in between them Bronze Tiger jumps in punches him pushing him back

Y/N:*distorted voice*He's all you're dudes

He speeds out that fight and goes to his father who's fighting Kamui Wood who is trying to hit Eobard but can't has he's too fast for him Recerse Foash spotted his son running his direction and nods to his father he nods back has he ran faster around hero who is looking around he sees Reverse flash reflection and follows it

Kamui Wood:I got you villain!!!

He send four tree branches has his arm extended towards where he thinks Reverse Foash would be only to get hit from behind which stops his attacks he looks around only to see now two blurry figures running around outside of that fight M.T lady is getting up and one she sees the commotion she started to grow big only to get punch and sending back far the cause of this was superwoman who floats in front of her

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