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Soon the sun peaked from the horizon, a new day was upon them. This takes place the day after poor Jon's death. They were re-building the house since the day before it got blown down, torn to the ground. They had to stay in a small apartment nearby till the house was rebuilt.

Eduardo and Mark also had to plan for their friend's funeral.

Eduardo had woken up to the sun shining through his bedroom window.....

    He thought to himself, "I don't care. I never cared. Why would I care now..? What the hell is wrong with me now..  I never cared for him but why am I suddenly caring when he's gone?? I wish I could see him one last time.."

The brunette boy walked through the halls out to the kitchen. Mark set out pancakes on the kitchen counter for them to eat. Eduardo slowly walked out and grabbed a plate of pancakes from the counter.

"Good morning, Eduardo," Mark said, looking over to Eduardo.

Eduardo slowly waved over to him going over and taking a diet coke from the fridge. They were both pretty sad this morning. Who wouldn't be after their best friend's death?

Eduardo only realized how wrong he had treated Jon for all those years together.

He wanted to make up for it but..... How could he?

Eduardo grabbed a diet coke from the fridge and went over to sit down on the couch. He put on a TV show and started watching it while Mark sat down in the kitchen to eat his pancakes.

He took his fork and cut a slice of one of the pancakes, but that's when he heard a voice nearby...



That was him. That was his voice... My mind is playing tricks on me once again.


I heard him again. This time it was louder. I turned around and there he was... In front of me. Right there.

"Eduardo... It's finally nice to see you again... Heh"

"Jon.? B-But I thought you were d-dead?"

"Huh? No, I'm back!"

I was in complete shock, this was a dream, right? He was dead... and ghosts aren't real. Well, that was debunked when we were haunted by an evil ghost at the old house, but maybe I was probably hallucinating... he can't be here...

If he was there, I guess he wouldn't have realized it...

I looked down back at my pancakes and quietly whispered to myself, "I must be hallucinating..."

From the corner of my eye, I saw him, he sat on the couch next to me. I just quietly ignored him, still eating my pancakes.

"Eduardo.... I'm here!" Jon spoke.

Jons POV:

I tried tapping Eduardo on the shoulder, "Eddie?"

He looked up to me and I looked at him straight in his eyes.

"How are you here...?" Eduardo spoke.

I was confused, I wasn't dead. I woke up here, on the couch today!

"Well, I-", I was interrupted by Mark as he walked over to the living room, "Eduardo are you talking to yourself?".

Eduardo looked over to Mark, "You can see him too, right?"

I looked over to him and waved to Mark as he looked around the living room.

Mark looked back to Eduardo, "There's no one here."

I sat on the couch confused, I wasn't dead, right? I tried to put my hand on my arm and...

My hand phased through my arm....

Then I realized it, I was dead, brought back as only a ghost...

I snapped back to reality and saw Mark sitting on the other side of the couch next to Eduardo. I decided to watch the show with them. It wasn't my kind of show, and I was kind of confused about it.

I also didn't remember this living room, it was different. I ignored that fact and went on to watch TV with them.

No One's POV:

They all watched the show on TV, time went by, and their show ended, and Mark walked on over to his room.

Jon looked over and hugged Eduardo, "I am happy to see you again Eddie! Even though...." He stopped and frowned. Somehow, he didn't faze through Eduardo this time.

Eduardo looked at him and hugged him back. "I'm glad to see you too buddy..."

They soon broke out of the hug and Eduardo stood up, walking over to the apartment door.

"Eduardo, where are you going?" Jon spoke.

Eduardo didn't reply to him and walked out. He still thought he was just hallucinating, he wasn't there.

He thought he could just go outside to take a minute to himself, he was probably going crazy. Jon was dead, and he didn't believe in ghosts.

Jon floated over to him and followed him. Eduardo headed out of the building door and started walking along the sidewalk as Jon followed him. He tried ignoring him, he was dead, ghosts aren't real...but he did want to see him again...

He looked over to Jon and asked, "You're a ghost, right? I am not hallucinating?"

Jon nodded, "I'm right here, you're not hallucinating..."

They kept on walking for a bit until they saw the mall, Eduardo remembered that he needed to go there to get a few things.

Eduardo walked over and went inside as Jon still followed, floating right next to him. "Why are we here?" Jon asked.

Eduardo whispered back, "We're here to get a few things."

Jon looked around in amazement, they finished renovating the mall after he had died. They walked into a grocery part in the mall and Eduardo walked over to the pop section.

Jon noticed the diet coke and floated over, he tried to grab a can, but his hand phased through the can. Eduardo noticed and he grabbed the diet coke can and put it into a little shopping bag he grabbed on the way in.

"Aww... too bad I can't grab them..." Jon said, frowning a little.

"It's alright Jon." Eduardo quietly said to him.

He walked out of the isle looking over to Jon.

"Hey, J-"

Eduardo then bumped into someone, "Hey, watch it-"

He looked up to see....

(lololol cliff hanger??????? Who should he have bumped into????? If anyone has any ideas for the next part tell me, also should this turn into jonuardo 😦)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2021 ⏰

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