In another life

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Y/n pov

Me: It's been a few years bub what's it like up there

~Flash Back~

I was chilling in my apartment waiting for Ryan to come home with some food.

Me: He told me he would be home an hour ago

I started to get worried and texted my friend


Me: Hey have you hear from Ryan

Bff: No y???

Me: He told me he would be home and hour ago and he is not home

Bff: Try calling him

Me: Kay

~Off Text~

I stopped texting (Bff) and decided to call Ryan

*Ring ring ring*

Me: Come on pick up

????: Hello

Me: Hiii...wait who are you

????: I am Officer Jones umm Ryan has gotten into an accident and we are sending him to the hospital

Me: Oh my god okay I will be there soon

????: He is going to be at ******* Hospital

Me:Okay thanks

~Off Call~

I hung up, put on my coat and shoes, and walked out the door

~Time Skip~

I was waiting in the hospital when the ER doors busted open. I saw Ryan laying on the stretcher practically life less. I walked closer to the stretcher when I nurse said

Nurse: Excuse me ma'am if you are not family/friend we need you to leave

Me: Oh I'm his girlfriend

Nurse: Okay well we need you to move and we will call you for the news

Me: Okay

~Time Skip~

Nurse: Hi your Ryan's girlfriend right

Me: Yes

Nurse: I'm sorry but he didn't make it

My whole world fell

I lost the love of my life

The man I was one day going to mary

~Present day~

Me: I miss you so much

I said staring down at his Tombstone

Me: I know you would have wanted me to move on and find someone else but I can't Ryan I love you so much

Me: I promise in another life I will find you

I dropped my flowers and cried harder than ever before

Me: I love you

Word count: 359

I don't know how to feel about that one but whatever bye

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