All of our firsts

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Y/n pov

Me and Ryan have been married for 3 years and today we decided to sit down with our daughter to tell her the story's of all of our firsts.

First date

Yesterday at school my crush Ryan asked me out on a date for today. We decided to go out on a lunch date and then go shopping and whatever. "Hey Y/n." Ryan said walking up to me. "Hey Ryan." I said to him. He gave me a hug and then we walked inside the restaurant. As we were eating we talked and got to know eachother more. After we ate we went shopping and after shopping we were walking back to my car when he said. "Y/n I really like you and I would love it if you were my girlfriend." He said to me. "Umm I would love to be your girlfriend." I said to him. "I'll see you around then." He said to me. "Yeah see you around."

Back to present

"Wait how did you guys know eachother?" Our daughter asked. "We met at school." Ryan said to her. "Wow. Okay next story."

First Kiss

Me and Ryan decided that for our next date we would watch a movie at my house and do a little sleepover. Me and Ryan got matching pajamas.

Looked like this



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*Ding Dong* The door bell rang and I ran to the door

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*Ding Dong* The door bell rang and I ran to the door. "Hi Ryan!" I said and have him a hug.  "Hey Y/n!" He said and hugged me back. "So what movie do you wanna watch?" I asked him. "I don't care but can we build a blanket nest on the floor?" He asked. "Of course and let's get McDonalds and Ice Cream." I said to him. "Perfect." He said. We got to work grabbing pillows and blankets and laid them on the floor. We also decided to watch (Fav movie) (a/n my fav movie is Coraline 😂). "Okay now we need food." Ryan said. "Let's get in the car and go to McDonald's." I said. We got in the car drove to McDonald's got a lot of Chicken Nuggets and Burgers and of course FRENCH FRIES.

~Time Skip~

We were about halfway through the movie we ate out McDonald's and had some ice cream. "Y/n." Ryan said. "Yeah." I replied and looked up at him. He grabbed me face and slowly leaned in to kiss me. Our lips met eachother and we soon got ourselves into a passionate kiss. We both pulled away and started at eachother for a moment. "I love you." He said to me. "I love you too."

Back to present

"Eww you guys kissed." She said to us. "Of course we did why wouldn't we?" I asked her. "You weren't married yet though so it's illegal." She said to us. Me and Ryan started to laugh and went on to the next story.


(A/n I know this technically isn't the first time but just go with it)

"Ryan why are we here?" I asked him. Ryan decided to take me on a surprise trip and I was taken to our highschool. "Look Y/n it's were we first met." He said to me. "I know but why are we here." I said looking at the school. I turned around and saw him on one knee and a little box in his hands. "Ryan what are you-" "Y/n I have loved you for so long now and I had always hopped we would spend the rest of our lives together. Which brings me to my question. Y/n would you be willing to spend the rest of our lives together and marry me?" He asked. "Yeah." I said tears falling down my face. He stood up and slipped the ring on my finger and then pulled me into a kiss.

Back to present

"What does propose mean?" Our daughter asked. "It's asking someone to marry you." Ryan informed her. "Oh." She said. "Is there more to the story?" She asked. "We have a long way to go." I said to her

Wedding day

Today was finally the day. The day where Ryan becomes my husband. I was in my hotel room getting my hair and makeup done with all of my bridesmaids and my mother. "So Y/n you're finally getting married." (Best friend) said to me. "I know I am so excited." I said to her.

~Time Skip~

It was finally my turn to walk down the aisle. "Rise." The priest said. The doors opened and I saw Ryan at the end of the aisle. I noticed tests brimming his eyes as his best man pat his shoulder. I made it to him and he grabbed my hand as I handed my bouquet to my Maid of Honor.

~Time Skip~

After the ceremony it was time for the reception. We cut the cake. Our Best Man and Maid of Honor made speeches along with our parents. The night was coming to an end and me and Ryan were slow dancing on the dance floor. "Y/n I want you to know that I love you sooooo much." He said to me. "I love you too Ryan." I said and kissed him.

Back to present

"Can I come into the story now?" Our daughter asked. "You are about to." I said to her

First child

"Please be positive please be... POSITIVE!" I yelled. "Ryan will be home soon." I said to myself. "I need to tell him in a fun way." I said and began thinking of a fun way to tell him I'm pregnant. After thinking for a bit I decided to give it to him in a present. I grabbed a small bag and some tissue paper and made the gift.

~Time Skip~

"I'm home!" Ryan yelled. I ran to him and handed him the gift. "Oh what is this?" He asked. "Sit down and open it." I said to him. He sat down on the couch and opens the gift. "A pregnancy test." He said looking at it for a bit. "Y-you're pregnant?" He asked. I nodded my head and he gave me a hug. "Oh that's so amazing." He said. "I can't wait." He said.  "Me too."

Back to present

"And was that kid me?" She asked. "Yes it was you." Ryan said to her. "And those were our firsts." I said to her. "You know what we are on now?" Ryan asked. "What?" She asked. "Our seconds." Ryan said.

Word count: 1094

That story was cute

Okay bye

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