How long had it been sense he'd been trapped here? Months? Years? Decades even? How even long it had been it was enough for his vials to run out entirely, he felt nothing anymore. He used to feel lonely, but he didn't anymore. The cold embrace of the endless nothingness was welcoming, or at least it was better than trying to keep track of the days going by (which would have been a maddening task ) he was surprised he hadn't gone completely mad yet, but then again he might have and just didn't know it. When no one's around to tell you your bonkers it's harder to tell he he sat, completely alone with no one to keep him company, wait that's redundant isn't it? Saying that your alone and have no one to keep you company? Wow, he really must be mad. Why was he even doing this in the first place? Narrating to a bunch of selfish creators who love seeing the people they create suffer? You know who you are. It was pathetic, even without his emotions he tried ever so desperately to please you and yet you are content to see behind your screens and watch him suffer, watch him waste away into a husk of a being. He knows this, and he knows it's wrong but what is he to do? He is but a character in your fiction he can do nothing but what you tell him. You continue to let him suffer for your entertainment. But...what can he do, he had no energy anymore. What was the point for him to keep fighting battles he wouldn't win, giving in would be far simpler. Giving into the peaceful white that surrounded him would end the emptiness he felt. It would be pointless for him to keep would be best..if he..just...gave..up.
Forgotten love [dreamxink]
RomanceAfter the events of underverse ink was convicted of being a monster, he was locked away never to see another person ever again, he was alone, his emotions had ran out months earlier, and he missed dream..oh how he missed dream, what could he do? His...