Chapter 13

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"Tell me again why we're here?" Hael asked.

"Leon promised me a pizza, so I wanted to get it before we left. Besides, everyone's hungry."

"You think Aelan can convince that fairy to get us an audience?"

"Considering the deal we gave that asshole, he should be begging to do anything we ask."

Hael sighed as they waited inside the pizza joint to get pizza for everyone. They had driven Aelan to Leon's apartment and left him there so that he could have alone time with the fairy without any 'human interference'. He hoped that wasn't a mistake.


Aelan watched the fairy drink the sugar water he had given him and glanced at his necrotic arm that was still being held down with the knife Nate had stabbed into it sometime before. The fairy watched him as he tried to figure out what he wanted to do. Maybe trying to communicate in its own language would help...

"Egoma eihoon aaliaryetatt aapseiseihein hinden nekrokro." He said choppily.

"Don't try to speak our language." The fairy said with a scowl.

"So you speak English then?"

"Of course we do, but we hate it. It's vulgar with too many rules, but you trying to speak Fae in that condition is just... repulsive."

"Fair enough."

The fairy turned his head. "You're not like the others."

"The others?"

"Them. Those humans that brought me here... You say that they are your brothers?"


"And yet why are you turning into a fairy?"

"One of you put a curse on me to torment Nate."

"Dear child, why would we ever do that?"

"Because it causes strife and turmoil... something you guys seem to feed off of."

The fairy laughed. "Humans are so interesting... Do you really believe that we would want one of those creatures to become one of us? Why do you think we cause issues with humans? We like to see them flounder because we think they are beneath us, a nuisance; like a cockroach flailing because of bug spray."

"And your point?"

"If that's how we feel, then why in the world would be want a human to become one of us?"

"I just explained it to you."

"And I just explained it to you. Would you want to invite a cockroach to turn into a human? A superior being in every way?"


"Then, again, why would we want something we think is the equivalent to a cockroach to become one of us?" Aelan didn't say anything. "Exactly. That means that you're not like the rest."

"Are you trying to tell me that I'm actually a fairy or something?" Aelan laughed hard. "That's kind of ballsy coming from you. I eat salt on everything and practically everything is made with it in large quantities, I've never had an issue with silverware, and the reason I am crazy is because a fairy-tree cursed me with madness because I, a human, broke a fairy ring in front of it."

"How quaint."

"Stop diverting the question! Will you summon whoever is the highest authority over the ones after my brother so that we can make a truce?"

"We can't be 'summoned'. We're not demons and we're not slaves to the likes of humans."

"Then who do I talk to someone I can negotiate with?" Aelan growled.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2021 ⏰

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