Costume Fitting

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Well, it's been a long time! But like two people voted on the first two parts and even if they don't continue reading this I still wanna continue writing it! 


I finished getting all ready and my manager came to pick me up from our dorm. Our first stop was actually the company. We were going to have a meeting with the directors and producers. The drive from our dorm to the company is not that far, but it felt like an eternity. My manager looked over at me. I'm assuming she could see the panic in my face because she squeezed my hand. 

"It's all going to be okay. It's a simple meeting. You've been in hundreds of them," said my manager

"None of those meetings involved directors and producers though"

"What do you mean, you guys meet with the directors and producers for your music videos,"

"That's different,"


"It just is okay,"

Just then we parked at the company. I got off the car and made my way towards the building. Suddenly I was sitting in our conference room surrounded by so many people. Some of them were people from our team, like our publicity executive and our legal team. I felt like a trainee all over again. I felt so small compared to everyone around me. 

"Well I think we should get started," said the head executive for my team

"Let's get started with how you will be handling Jeongyeon's character, Minjoo. We understand that she's only a lead character, but given Miss Yoo's popularity I think she is more than qualified to be a main character," explained the executive

"So we have already made a few changes to the original script. Minjoo, as you may know, is supposed to be Minseo's younger sister. She's a very playful character, jokes around a lot. Very similar to Miss Jeongyeon, if I am not mistaken. We understand your issue with Minjoo being a lead character and we are willing to discuss it," said one of the producers

"Yes I mean, we have been brainstorming some ideas for how we can develop all the characters," said another producer

"But you must also understand our hesitancy. This will be Miss Yoo's first acting appearance so you must understand why we are a bit concerned with making her a main character right now," said a third executive.  

"No, we do understand. But I do hope you also understand the publicity that she will bring to the drama. Ever since Jeongyeon's debut, we have been getting offers. We chose you!" said my executive 

"You've got to be kidding me!" yelled the director 

Everyone quickly turned their heads towards the director.

"Look, if we're being honest we don't need Miss Yoo. The three main characters have enough popularity to carry the drama on their own. So this entitled attitude won't work here. My colleagues may let it slide, but I will not! You should be grateful that we offered you the role. And if a storyline is what you want, then let us do our jobs. We barely have anything to work with considering the long list of don'ts you have for us," explained the director 

It was probably only like 30 seconds of silence, but it felt like an hour of silence. I couldn't really pay much attention to the rest of the meeting. I think we discussed a cover photoshoot tomorrow, some requests my company had, and a few miscellaneous details. It was a lot and I realized that I still had so many more things to do. 

I was lost in my head that I didn't even realize that all the producers and directors had left and just my representatives and managers were left in the room. 

"I'm sure that was a lot Jeongyeon, but I think it was very productive. Now the only thing to focus on is your acting ability. You saw it for yourself, a few of them don't believe in you. So to help, we're hoping to have daily meetings with you and an acting coach. You'll go over your lines and they'll help you, Of course, that's in addition to your table reads, costume fittings, and filming of course," said my executive

"Yeah I think that's a good idea," I said at the same time I was thinking about how in the world I would have time to do it all. 

~~~~ 1 hours later ~~~~

The next thing on my schedule for today was a costume fitting. We took a short drive to the costume designer's office building. I was actually pretty excited about this fitting. I wouldn't have to talk with many people so it would give me time to go over my script a bit. 

The designers and I exchanged quick introductions and then they pulled out a rack of about 15 different outfits for me to try on. 

"Boyoung just arrived," said one of the designer 

"The boys are almost here as well," said one of the male designers

"Oh I didn't realize they were all going to be here," I responded

"Oh yeah it was unplanned, but it worked with everyone's schedules," said the female designer

"Plus we'll be able to prep the outfits for the shoot tomorrow in advance," said the male designer

Boyoung-sunbaemin and her team walked in. She's so short, but like in a charming way. I guess based on the dramas she acted in before I expected her to be super bubbly, but she seemed pretty serious. 

"Hi hello, nice to meet you Jeongyeon!" said Boyoung

"Hello, it's so nice to meet you!" I replied, "I'm super excited to work with you and...," 

"Yeah me too," Boyoung said

I couldn't tell if she was tired or annoyed with me. All I had said was hi, literally, so how could she be so annoyed with me. I overheard her talking with her managers in her dressing tent and it sounded like she wasn't happy about something. For a second I wondered if maybe it was me, but then Park Hyunsik walked in and she rolled her eyes so hard. It was quick though, to any other person it might not have seen it, but I could tell she was annoyed with him. 

"Hello, nice to meet you Jeongyeon, I'm Park Hyunsik," he introduced himself with the cutest smile. 

"Hi it's nice to meet you," I replied," I look forward to working with you,"

"You don't have to be so formal Jeongyeon haha. Look I was hoping we could have lunch together. All of us. You, Boyoung, Hyoseop, and me. That way we can get to know each other a bit more before we start filming and everything. I was thinking before the photoshoot tomorrow. What do you think,"

"Umm yeah, that sounds nice. I'll just have to let my managers know,"

"Yeah of course. Well, let me just give you my number. That way you can let me know if the time works for you. Or if you need anything at all feel free to let me know,"

"Okay yeah sure," I said as I handed him my phone number. He had this way of speaking. I couldn't tell if he was just being friendly or if he was flirting. 

"It was great meeting you. See you tomorrow!" and with that, he walked out of the room

I wonder what happened between him and Boyoung. I mean they did a drama together before and they seemed to be pretty good friends, but they didn't even talk to each other today. Whatever it is I hope it resolves itself because I don't think I could handle a whole lunch with them let alone filming a whole drama. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2021 ⏰

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