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Shoto takes me across the back wooded area of the festival where the music is even more distant to talk. We stop at a bench over by some thick trees and he sits down, looking up at me.
I slowly sit down beside him, giving a suspicious look.
"So..." I say, "are you going to explain why you disappeared for 2 months?"
Shoto stares at me for a good moment before speaking.
"I told you," he says, "I've been making arrangements. Doing a lot of thinking."
"What the hell does that mean though?"
His eyes are giving that glossy look I know all too well, and I figure out why I'm really here.
"Well." He pauses. "I realized something during those two months."
I blink. "Okay?"
"You're mine, Bakugou Katsuki."
My brows raise. "Huh?"
"I said...you're mine."
I don't get a rebuttal before my face is grabbed and my lips are pressed against the man's across from me. He is aggressive, pushing me down onto the bench and climbing on top of me. His tongue is shoved down my throat and he moans as he twists around in my mouth. My face goes red, but I take his arms and shove him away.
"IcyHot!" I shout. "I told you, I'm not doing this anymore."
"I know you love me, Bakugou," he breathes, then pulls me on top of him instead, running his hands up my back. "I know you want me just as much as I want you."
My hand goes out on instinct and I slap him.
"Stop! I came here to talk to you."
He is stunned for a second, then looks up at me with an expression that looks...empty. I crawl from off of him, face still red, but I have to stay true to my word. As much as I like Shoto, I can't hurt Kiri with him anymore.
He fixes himself up, sitting upright again with a sigh.
"I'll tell you later," he says, running his hands up his face.
"No," I say. "Tell me now."
He sighs again, leans back on the bench and stares up at the stars with a longing expression. I bite my lip, looking at him. Such a random time for me to think about how attracted I am to him even though he looks like a bum right now. His side profile is so damn gorgeous. My eyes trail down to his hands that rest between his legs. Looking isn't cheating right? Because those eyes then trail down to the awakened member peeking through those grey sweatpants and I lick my lips slightly.
Only I'm caught red-handed. My eyes trail back up to find him smirking at me, and I nearly die right then and there.
"I-I was just looking at the scars on your hands!" I shout, but my tomato face clearly gives me away. "H-how did that happen? Hero work or something?" I talk quickly.
"Just face it, Bakugou..." Shoto brings a hand down to his own crotch, slipping it into the waistband of his sweats and cupping the shape of his cock. "What we have is never going to die." He stares at me with those glossed over eyes, then slowly rolls his neck back with a soft, drawn-out, breathy moan that makes my insides twist. Dammit, he knows exactly what to do to get me going. This isn't good.
"What?" he breathes. "You're little boyfriend didn't say you couldn't watch, right? You're the best thing to jerk off to."
"D-dammit, IcyHot, I—"
"Nnngh..." He closes his eyes, biting his lip as he moans over my words, breathes heavy and hand moving up and down under the fabric. He looks up at me again, a devilish smirk at the corner of his lips. "Sorry, what was that?" he says.
I don't think my face can get redder. Fuck, now I have a boner. My eyes can't keep from shifting back to the stroking motion going on in his pants.
"S-Shoto, I'm serious..."
"What? You want me to go faster, hottie?" he moans. "Anything to please you."
I look around, biting my lip, making sure no one else is hearing this or else I'm done for.
"You're crazy, IcyHot," I say, but why is my back arching on its own just at the sight of him.
"Crazy about you, sexy."
"Shoto," I say, shaking off this feeling and yanking his hand from his pants. I hold his hands, looking into his eyes. "Please. I really just want to talk to you right now. I know something's up because you're...not being your usual self. You seem so, off... it's like you're not even really here. You're like a damn zombie or something. Please, tell me why you left for two months. And don't say it was for arrangements or whatever. I need to know what's really going on in your head because I...worried about you, dammit."
He doesn't respond. Instead, he looks somewhere past me. My brows raise, and I grab his shoulders and start to shake him.
"You're so confusing, IcyHot! If you really love me like you say you do, then why can't we just talk to each other without all this sexual stuff? Why won't you just talk to me? Please, dammit. Please talk to me... Stop avoiding it and let me how you really feel!"

Shoto looks down into his lap, his body feeling limp in my grasp. He doesn't say anything, just stays like that for longer than I feel comfortable with. I take a long, deep breath.
"Shoto?" I say, calming my tone. "Are...you okay?"
Suddenly, his body collapses into my lap, and I feel him start to shake. He gasps for air, and I think he's having a medical emergency, until I realize he's just sobbing. His arms wrap around my waist tightly, and before I know it, he's bawling his eyes out in my lap, face pressed into my crotch.

I hold him there, gently brushing my fingers through that tangled mess he calls hair. This reaction tells me he's been bottling up these feelings for a long time. Shoto doesn't have many real friends, so he doesn't have anyone to really confide in or talk to when he needs someone to be there for him. I know I'm not always the nicest person, but dammit, I'm not completely heartless. Shoto means so much to me, so to see him so broken...fuck, it breaks my heart.

"Th-there's nothing...nothing else I want..." he tries to talk through the sobs. "I just want you, B-Bakugou... I want y-you so badly..." He whimpers, holding me closer and trembling. "It hurts... it hurts so badly...so so b-badly... a-and, I didn't want to live anymore... I almost did it this time... but, then I thought about how, I-if I die, then I can never see you again... you're e-everything to me... I love you...I love you... I love you... I love you..."
He lifts his head, face glistening in tears, eyes red and lip quivering. "I love you," he says again. "I love you." He says it softer, closing in on my lips. "Katsuki..." His body presses against mine and we stare into each other's eyes. I place a hand on his cheek, wiping at a new tear that trickles down his skin.
"Please," Shoto whispers. "Kiss me, Bakugou. I-I just need to feel you that close again. Please kiss me."
My eyes search softly in his, before landing on his lips. We lean in together, and slowly, our eyes close and lips waltz around one another's soft and passionately. My hands gently cup his cheeks as his rest at my hips, and we stay like that for at least three long minutes, necks rolling back and forth as our noses switch sides. My hands switch from holding his face to my arms resting on his shoulders as he pulls me onto his lap.
I'm on cloud 9 when I kiss Shoto—it feels like a dream. He's so hot, but, also so sensitive, and fucking crazy, but I like them a little toxic, what can I say? He's mysterious as hell, and it's exciting to me, because I never know what side of him I'm going to get today.
It's weird—right now, I'm not even worried about the consequences to this kiss. It just feels so...right. So good. Fuck...am I in...love with Todoroki? Why do I feel this euphoria whenever I'm this close to him? Is it even possible to be in love with two people?

"Shoto..." I breathe by his lip.
"Yes, Katsuki?"
"I'm a terrible boyfriend. Why would you want someone like me who can't seem to keep my hands off another man?"
He smiles softly, pulling away to look into my eyes. "You're not terrible," he says. "You just know who your heart really belongs to."
"Oh yeah?" I whisper. "And who's to say I wouldn't do the same thing to you with Kiri, if I was your boyfriend?"
"I wouldn't let that happen." He pauses. "Kirishima let you come here with me. You wouldn't be going anywhere with Kirishima if I had a say."
"Oh so you'd be controlling."
He smirks. "No. I just know what's mine and I don't like to share."
"That's pretty hot."
"You're pretty hot."
"I've always had an unhealthy thing for batshit psychos," I say.
"Me too." He smirks, then leans in to kiss my neck. I close my eyes, leaning my head to the side to give him room. I moan softly at the feeling, running my hands down his chest. He kisses, licks, and sucks hard, eventually biting in a bit.
Then my eyes widen when I realize what he's doing. I yank him away.
"What?" he asks, but the evil smile on his face tells me he knew exactly what he was doing.
"Fuck...is-is there a hickey there?!" I feel on my neck as if that will help me find it.
"There will be," he sings, a little chuckle following.
I glare at him in disbelief. "What the fuck, IcyHot? You know we're not even supposed to be doing this and now you're leaving evidence on me?!"
"Like I said." He grabs my hips, yanking me closer to him. "You're mine."
My face turns red as I quietly panic to myself. Fuck...if Kiri sees this hickey I'm absolutely done. We're way over our five minutes now so it's not like we could even do anything like run to the store and get whatever girls put on them to cover their shit up.
I pull away from Shoto, getting up from the bench and crossing my arms.
"Oi, you little shit," I grumble, still panicking. "You really did it now..."


TO BE CONTINUED (dun dun DUN... don't forget to vote, thanks!)

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