|Chapter 21| manipulation

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"Wilbur what did you do to me?" Y/n asks me with a shaken up tone.

"Well that would ruin the surprise of it all wouldn't?" Y/n doesn't reply, I hate when I can't hear their voice, its like an angel's, even if their basically screaming at me. "I said,"

"It would, wouldn't it?" Y/n quickly responds in the same tone. Sadly it's not genuine, but I'll have to make due. Luckly whatever Dream gave me is seeming to do the trick. A smile creeps up my face. Soon y/n will be all mine. Dream said that I can't ever give them...? What did he say again? Eh it probably is something that nobody has laying around. I look to my wrist to look at the time on my darling's watch. They don't need it, it's not like they can use it. It is 5:30pm, I should start cooking dinner.

"Ok it's about time for dinner! What do you want?" Y/n either is thinking of something of doesn't want to talk to me. "Y/n what do you want?" I gritted through my teeth.

"I don't know Wilbur whatever you want." They smile at me, and its genuine! They're so considerate. soon ripped it off their face not understanding why they did that, but I know.

"Ok breakfast then I been wanting to cook up the bacon in my fridge for awhile." Y/n doesn't say anything. I go upstairs and start to cook dinner.

~Time skip~

I finish up the food for me and Y/n. I set a couple pieces of bacon on a both of the plates, I got a good amount of eggs on both of out plates also. Lastly I placed a biscuit on them both as well. I grab a glass from one of my cabinets and fill it up with some milk. I grab both the plate and cup, and make my way to the basement to feed Y/n. I walk down the stairs to be met with  Y/n siting down on the chair just like I left them.

"Food's done, let me get this all situated." I put the cup down on the side table near the chair. I grab the fork on the plate and start feed them, their face is blushing the whole time. They haven't ever done this on the other times I guess that it'll probably take a couple more minutes for them to fully fall in love with me. I need this, I need them to love me back, it's the only way they can live. Before I realize the plate hand nothing on it. I grabbed the cup and did what I normally did. And I finished what was in the cup. I planted a soft kiss on Y/n's cheek and went to go and eat my food. I place Y/n's plate, fork, and cup in the sink. I grab my food and eat it quickly, so I didn't have to have Y/n wait for me any longer. Once I did finish I put my plate and fork in the sink just like I did Y/n's. I walk back downstairs and go sit across from Y/n whose blush was gone, and any love that they felt towards me vanished? "What's wrong Y/n?"

"Everything here is wrong don't you see?" They say to me in a sharp, cold voice.

"No, no, no, who told you that everything going on is normal." I give them a small smile.

"No it isn't Wilbur just leave me alone."

"Love what did I-"

"Please just go."

"I'm sorry but I'm making sure you don't try to escape, I'll just be over here ok?" Y/n doesn't say anything. I go to my phone to see a text from dream.


And don't forget don't give them anything dairy ok

What do you mean?

Well if you do you'll have to make them love you again. I learnt that the hard way lol

I just gave Y/n milk-

Omg fine your so needy but you'll have to wait a bit so you can give it to them for it to work.

Ok just give it to me when you can

Ok but have 10 dollars ready for me

This stuff isn't that easy to make

Ok ok geez I'll have the money.

Well that's not good. I turn off my phone and put it on my chest. I just stare up at the ceiling. Soon I sit up and sigh. I look to where Y/n would be but their out, luckly it looks like they just got out so I can easily put them back.

"Y/n where are you going."

"Eep-" I grab Y/n's hand. "I-i was just taking a walk, hehe." I stare into Y/n's e/c eyes.

"You weren't trying to leave me were you?" My grip tightens on their arm.

"N-no! I wouldn't think of doing that!" Their breathing became more panicked.

"Y/n I hate when you lie to me, it's like needles." I tug on Y/n's arm and throw them in the chair. "So I'm going to return that pain to you." Before Y/n could do anything I quickly tied yhem up. They did struggle but wasn't that hard to get them back into place. I go over to the drawer on the side table. That had a needle cushion siting there. I grab the whole thing and pick a singular one of. I stare at it then at Y/n I then quickly stabbed Y/n with the needle, it sounds like it didn't hurt to them it was like a pinch it sounded. I continued to put the little needles all along their arm and up to their neck. The more tender the skin was , the move pain it would cause them. I really didn't want to do this but they tried to leave me. I think that's good enough, I pull out every single one of the pins out and put them all back on the cushion. Y/n was crying. I wipe the tears away the best I could. "Hey you did this to yourself, if you didn't try to leave, you wouldn't be hurt right now., would you?"

"N-no." Y/n replys with their voice shaking.

"Now simple you stay here until I can prove that you do actually love me. And are not faking it." Y/n looks down from me. I move their head back up to face me. "Hey its ok, if you don't do stuff like this, you could soon be able to feed yourself." Y/n didn't seem to care. "I love you Y/n and I don't know how to express it, thats how much love I have for you. And you can't even return it?" Y/n looks a little sad for me. And stays like that for a while. 

"I-im sorry." They say to me trying to make me feel better.

"You don't need to just do as your told ok?" Y/n nods their head. Good manipulation seems to work little, they even said sorry to me! I just don't know how long I'll have to wait for my love to genuinely return the same affection I give them.


Ok Wilbur be getting desperate. And damn 1.14k reads??? Yall I'm not that good of a writer just a fast one 💀🤚. I also have uhm wrote 7 chapters today.-. Not to mention it's 5am-, Anyways uhm what'll happen? Only I know right now no one else but me lol Bye~!

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