Murder Family

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A/N: Credit to Renowned Wolf for helping me with this chapter.

Scene opens on you waking up in Charlie's bed after Razzle and Dazzle had picked everyone up from the club. You look over and see Charlie and Vaggie waking up with similar groggy expressions, both look like they're nursing hangovers.

Vaggie: And this is why I usually don't drink.

The three of you look at each other with confused expressions as dawning realization seeps.

Y/N, Charlie, and Vaggie: Did we sleep together?!

Y/N: I's gotta be the alcohol, right?

Charlie: ...Maybe not.

Vaggie: Look, Y/N...the truth is both of us *really* like you.

Y/N: Wait, we barely even know each other.

Charlie gives you a seductive smirk and presses her breasts against your chest. 

Charlie: We know enough. (kisses your cheek)

Vaggie wraps her arms around you from behind and kisses down your neck.

Vaggie: You're smart (kiss), handsome (kiss), charming (kiss), and actually care about other people.

Charlie: And we've been thinking about expanding our relationship. You interested, baby? (runs her hand over your crotch)

Y/N: ...I'll definitely need to contemplate this some more, and I really need to get to work at IMP. But I'm not opposed to it.

Charlie: Fair enough. But before you go, (wraps her arms around your neck) give your Mamas some sugar.

She gives you a brief but passionate kiss before Vaggie does the same.

Cut to IMP's office where Loona is nursing a hangover. She is currently the only other person in the office. You suddenly walk in and notice her messaging her temples.

Y/N: Loona, are you alright?

Loona: (lustfully) I am now!

She tackles you onto the couch and gives you several kisses and love bites while pinning your hands above your head.

Loona: Wait. (sniffs you) Who did you have sex with?!

Y/N: What?

Loona: You had sex with two women, who are they?!

Y/N: Princess Charlie and her girlfriend Vaggie.

Loona: Seriously?! (saddened, ears and tail drooping) How can I compete with that?

Y/N: What do you mean "compete"?

Loona: Come on. You have THE princess of Hell going down on you, why would you want to be with a lowly-

You cut her off with a passionate kiss

Y/N: Never think of yourself like that, Loona.

Loona: But-

Y/N: Loona, yes I was with two women, including the princess, but that doesn't mean I don't love or care about you.

Loona: (tail wagging) You still want to be with me even though you have the princess?

Y/N: Yes, I do.

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