C. 2

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i wounder what the house would look like.. ive never really liked the city i alway wanted to live in the country. i never told any one i liked country music to.... no one really asked me if i did. i was picture three difforent types of houses

1. a really small run down house in the middle of no where

2. a purfect sized house just out side town with lots of land and a big barn.

3. a large house in town .....

out of all of them i want to live in numder 2.

OWWW !! my head


"Sorry honney i didnt mean to go over the bump...is yourhead ok?" my mom said

"ya im ok" i replyed

i looked at the clock ... was i really sleeping for 2hours.

i figured their was no point of me going back to sleep. so i decided to play games on my phone and eat my dounuts :D

....1 more hour to go......


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2013 ⏰

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