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              Bird chirps were heard as the sky is painted blue with soft, cotton candy like clouds covering some parts of it. “[L. Name]! We're gonna be late for class!” “Oh- right! Coming!” Snapping out of his thoughts, he closed the ‘Two Piece’ manga before putting it between his school books.

             “Let me guess, you were thinking about what we're gonna have for lunch?” Koharu sighed, “Ehe.” the male stuck out his tongue with his other eye closed, implying a wink.

              [Name] [L. Name], a seemingly normal person. Well, seemingly. If you know him well enough, he would make sex jokes, ask his friends for help with his homework, but what's worse? He forgets everything.

               Oh? [Name] borrowed someone's money? He would completely forget about it. Oh? He lost his book? He'd forget it existed four minutes later. And this behavior of his is annoying to a lot of people. Which leads him to have little friends.

               But other than that, the [H. Color] male is actually a great friend. He'd listen to people's problems, he'd help you improve something they're bad at (even though he's also bad at it), heck, he even knows how to melt a tense situation people's stuck at.

               Sure, people sometimes consider him annoying. But, will people hate him? No! Of course not. This actually leads him to have admirers. But like I said, he's forgetful. He could even forget a person he's friends with if they didn't talk for three days.

                “I really like you, [L. Name]! Please go out with me!” “Um.. I'm really sorry but.. Who are you again?” He'd always respond confessions with the same answer. “Huh?! I'm the person you helped with art a week ago.”

                 “Ohhh... So you're that girl. Sorry but, it's a no for me. But we could still be friends if you want to.” [Name] smiled sweetly, making the poor girl blush, already forgetting that he rejected her.

                 Sure, people have admire him. But have they admire him from afar ever since middle school until you go to the same high school he went? Of course not, no one would be that dedicated.

                 Wrong, because a person- no, a certain clean freak had a crush on him ever since middle school, yet he couldn't find any courage to talk to him.

                 Since the black haired male couldn't find any courage to talk to him, why not make [Name] notice him first? Well, he tried and tried. But his attempts went to no avail.

                  He tried going to the same library [Name] kept going to, nope, didn't even know he was there. He tried giving him a letter and put it at the [H. Color]'s table, guess what? The letter flew away due to the wind.

                 He tried giving him a bento of [Name]'s favorite food, but turns out, [Name] already ate and the bento was left at the shorter male's fridge, long forgotten. He tried tons of methods, desperate to get noticed, only for them to lead to failure.

                 However, the black haired male isn't willing to give up, so he went to the same high school as the male. It was his only chance to finally get noticed, but first..

                 He went to the bathroom to check out the features they have.

⋆。゚☁️ 。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆

                “Mokka - chan!! Where are youu!!” A certain [H. Color] male yelled, “Um, Mokka's the soccer manager now, remember?” Miwa told. “Oh, right.”

                Going to the soccer field, [Name] saw a small crowd of men practicing soccer, with a fragile looking girl at the background. “Mokka!!!” The male's yell didn't reach her, not even the small crowd.

                He then took a deep breath, before yelling again, just louder this time. “MOKKA - CHAN!!!!! I FOUND YOUUU!!!” His yells was heard echoing through out the field, catching everyone's attention, including a certain someone.

                 “Eh?! [L. Name] - kun?” Mokka sweat dropped, as the [H. Color] male ran towards her. “What're you doing pushing this cart alone? Let the strong guy help!” [Name] proudly stated, “Um.. Okay then..”

                 And what do you know, [Name] only moved the cart for only an inch. “[Name] - kun.. I can help.” Mokka sweat dropped once more before earning a nod from the male.

                 “Who's that guy?” “Is he her friend?” couple of whispers were heard, but Zaizen couldn't help but notice Aoyama staring at the male. “Uh.. Aoyama?-” He tried calling out to him, but he just kept staring, as if he was a high school girl experiencing love at first sight.

                  However this staring goes noticed by the male, as he looked Aoyama's way, making the black haired male panic. “Did I just sense someone staring at me or-” [Name] spoke, “Eh, whatever.” the male told himself before turning away.

                  And within that, the practice resumed, with Aoyama's cheeks pink and a small smile was seen.

⋆。゚☁️ 。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆

                 “Is it just me, or is Aoyama - kun's aura is less.. Tense these past days.” “Yeah, it seems more flower-ish.” A few classmates whispered, curious why Aoyama's acting this way.

                   Rumors spread like wild fire when it comes to Aoyama - kun. However, [Name] couldn't care less, I mean, he's gonna forget it anyway.

                   Meanwhile, Aoyama's been having way too happy. He's happy that he got into [Name]'s line of sight. It felt so tense yet so soft, as the black haired male wants to experience it again.

                   ‘I wanna be noticed by him again.. I have to!

⋆。゚☁️ 。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆


• [Name] didn't notice Aoyama since he was focused on trying to catch the person who stared at him

• Aoyama tried searching for [Name]'s lost belongings so that he can give it back to him and get noticed. (He has a whole scenario in his mind about it.)

• When Aoyama finds out [Name] likes to pat people with thick hair, he immediately blushed for 5 minutes.

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