Chapter 2

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Lilian's POV

Now that is settled. What now? Let's rewind back to when Harry is 11 years old. He is with the Dursley, which explains the cupboard and horrible clothes. Stupid family. CAN'T THEY JUST GIVE US NORMAL CLOTHING AND WHY ARE THE NEIGHBOURS NOT CALLING THE POLICE ALREADY?! DID THEY NOT SEE HARRY, including me i guess, BEING TREATED LIKE SLAVES?!

I took a deep breath to calm myself before i start screaming my complaints to the whole neighbourhood. First, Harry. I shook his shoulder a bit. He got up faster than a cheetah and starts panicking. I hurriedly instructed him to breath using a breathing exercise. After a few minutes, his heart slowed down from the adrenaline. He looked at me and smiled.

" Thank you for that. After cedric and Sirius deaths, I struggled with nightmares and would occasionally have panic attacks. None of my so called friends and family would help. Only the slytherins, Fred, George, Billy, Charlie, Arthur, Luna and Neville helped me cope. Heck, even Draco help as well and he's still a prat. They even try to help me when i was guilty, " Harry explained.

I just smiled at his word. " Well, they sound like good friends and allies but right now, we're in a pickle. " Harry is now confused. I sighed." Harry. If you haven't notice, we're in a shoe cupboard, in the Dursley's house. We should leave and go to Gringots to get our inheritance ring. That way we can find a place to stay and get rid of the blocks and potions that could've been administered by those traitors. It's a genius plan! "

Harry hold my speech for a second and thought about my suggestion.

Harry's POV

'Your the best death!' 'for what exactly, master? Your sister’s knowledge or her support?' 'both'.

I ended my conversation with death before pulling my new and best sister, Lillian for a hug. "Your the best sister ever!" i whispered to her ear. She pushed me away, still keeping a close distance and caressed my cheek with a motherly feel. "that's what sister's are for. Now, can you try to open the door, so we can escape?" i nod my head and crawled to the door. I wandlessly did the spell, "Alohomora". The deadbolt unlocked and the door was open.

I got out and heads straight to the kitchen. I took my uncle's wallet and pulled out a couple of hundred pounds before running out of the house. That's when i felt a blood ward covering the threshold. "don't worry, death already checked the wards. It was pretty useless. Just an anti-wizard ward and simple protction ward. It's not even enough to protect us from a death eater" i thanked to lady magic for the luck. We both got on the knight bus to get to the Leaky Couldren.

Halfway through the drive, Lillian fell asleep, nodding her head. I quickly pleced her head on my shoulder to prevent her from breaking her neck.

'Maybe, having a big sister would give my life some colour. '

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