Chapter 23

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(A/N: this idea comes from Toryokoneko24) 

'mental link'
*Other magical being's language*

Third person's POV

"i did it!" a voice yelled out. Arthur looks behind him. Lilian came out of her room, holding some sort of metal bracelet. He could see rune carvings around the bracelet from where he sat.

"what?" he asked.

"my invention!" just as Lilian was about to explain it, Harry came bursting into the room, holding a galaxy-coloured potion while screaming 'I've done it!'. The noise attracted the other weasley's, as well as the Potter's.

"what's going on in here?" Euphemia ask. "let us explain. This happened a few months ago, when we were studying in the family's library...."


It was already the end of history class but Lilian still wanted to study more. She was about to take a book of magical creatures when she noticed a journal left in the shelves. The shelves connects with all if their family. Lilian grabs it and starts skimming the book

"hey sis, what're you doing?" harry ask. "i found this journal. It belong to Merlin and Morgana. It was their experiment idea." she suddenly stops at a page. "Harry, take a look at this!"

Harry puts down his item and sits down next to her. His eyes widen at this text, "no way..."

End of flashback

Lilian's POV

"the writing wasn't just an ordinary writing. It was about the analysis of squibs from Merlin. It seems like squibs can be categories into 3. Number 1, has magic but the magic needs renewal, Number 2, has magic but it's protecting the person and number 3, their magic are restraint."

"incredible." granpa exclaim. "so, what's the device for?"

"this device can help them." i pulled out the blueprint and unrolled it on the coffee table. "by using this, I'm able to give them another chance of becoming a wizard. I've already test it and all i need now is a squib. Can you call... Filch here, please?" i ask Arthur.

He nods and apparates. Few minutes later, he apparates back with Filch, holding his cat, Mrs Filch."what is going on here?! " he yells out. "ah, thank you. Can everyone leave please? I need to do this alone." i request.

The others quickly left the room, leaving only Mr Argus Filch and i alone. "hello, Mr filch. I'm Lilian Potter." he grumbles out his greetings. "as you see, i requested the others to leave us, so that i can start the treatment easily." i started preparing the device, i don't have a name yet.

"what treatment?" he ask, holding Mrs filch tightly to his chest. "your magic treatment. Now, hold still." i threw a powdery substance over him. It changes colour by the squibs category. Number 1 is blue, number 2 is yellow while number 3 is red.

The powder change into red, so i set the device on the number 3 settings. Before i put the device on, i quickly explain to him the process, " i know how much you hate being a squib in a magic school, i heard from the twins. I wish to help you. This device will help you gain your magic back. I just need you to put it on and I will place you in a comatose state as I can't let you move around. I promise by the end if a week, you'll be able to do magic like other wizards as well."

Filch's POV

I couldn't believe my ears. I can do magic after this?" are you serious? "i ask her, hope growing in my heart."yes, i am." i remember back my old wand at home. I dream of doing magic again and if this fails, at least I tried. "alright, I'm ready."

she smiles and puts the bracelet shape device on bith my wrist. She pulls me into a guest room, i believe and lays me down on the bed. "alright, see you in a week." i close my eyes and pray to Hecate that i will have my life again.

Harry's POV

We sat down in another living room, waiting for the results. "Harry, didn't you said you have something to show us?" Charlie ask. I quickly remembered about my invention. I place the potion on the table and calls for moony to come by pin message.

After a couple of minutes later, moony appears in the room. "the full moon is starting tomorrow in Britain, right?" i quickly ask.

"yes, why?" everyone looked at me questionly. "drink this and trust me, you'll thank me later." i push the vial filled with dark blue liquid. Moony looks at me sceptical but downs it anyway. His face scrunched in disgust. "see you after the full moon." 

He looks at me confused but says goodbye to everyone and leaves. "what is it?" they ask. "just trust me." i left the room afterwards.

(AN :i need your help. Can anyone give Lilian's device a name as well as Harry's potion? Comment here)

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