(Episode 5) Chapter 22

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Once the doctor was out of sight, the four of them headed towards the clinic.

"There's a mask here too." Jaesuk said as he entered the clinic.

"Jaesuk-hyung! His research log!" Kwangsoo said, picking up the yellow folder.

"Have a look" Jaesuk told him and Kwangsoo opened it.

"Rat. A syringe and a thermometer... He must have injected something with the syringe to the animals." Kwangsoo stated.

"Oppa, can I see?" Sunmi asked and Kwangsoo handed the folder. She hurriedly read through it.

"He injected something. Approaching the target amount. Expecting to end research after two, three experiments. Even to the cow... The pig." Jaesuk said, looking over Sunmi's shoulder.

"The relationship between Dioxin and Uroporphyria." Sunmi read.

"This doctor is really odd." Jaesuk declared.

"Right?" Kwangsoo agreed. Sehun was looking through the medical equipment he had and Jaesuk picked up a syringe. He pressed on it and was surprised when something came out.

"Something's in it. I guess he injected this." Kwangsoo stated, turning back to get the report when Jaesuk exclaimed.


"What happened?" Everyone was immediately on alert.

"Oh, hyung!" Kwangsoo called out worriedly.

"Oh, no." Sehun said as he started laughing.

"Am I going to die? It says here that the cow and all of them died." Jaesuk panicked and Sunmi and Sehun tried to contain their laughter.

"It can be contagious." Kwangsoo panicked with him.

"The cow and me..." Jaesuk kept thinking about it.

"Hyung!" Kwangsoo worriedly called out.

"What do I... Man. Call that doctor and tell him to come." Jaesuk told Kwangsoo.

"We don't have time!" Kwangsoo replied.

"Call the ambulance."

"My cell phone isn't working."

"Oh, man."

"Will you turn into a vampire?"

"What if I die? It says that the cow and all of them died! It really pricked me." Jaesuk and Kwangsoo were panicking together and Sehun and Sunmi got themselves together and tried looking for alcohol or something that would comfort Jaesuk.

"There is a disinfectant." Sehun said, pulling out a few pads.

"Use that." Kwangsoo told Jaesuk.

"Thanks." Jaesuk thanked him.

"Sehun, Sunmi, you guys are very calm in a situation like this. Kwang-soo just makes a fuss about it." Jaesuk commented which made everyone laugh. Once Jaesuk felt calm enough, they continued the investigation.

"There is something in the syringe. What is this white thing on the tip?" Jaesuk asked them.

"Yes, it's on this one too. It seems like it was injected somewhere." Sehun observed.

"Yes, you're right." Jaesuk agreed.

"What's this white thing?" Kwangsoo asked.

"It looks like salt, though? But I can't be too sure." Sunmi observed.

"He must have injected it deeply into something." Jaesuk guessed, putting the syringe back before panicking again.

"What if I really die? Give me another alcohol swab." He asked Sehun.

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