Chapter 4: Dreams and Nightmares

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Missy hissed, "You lied!" "Look I didn't know what Fin would do!" Sun's shine's tail went in between her legs. "Why would you go in there!" I looked at Tiger's roar who was grooming his tail, I hissed, "AND YOU! You spoiled brat! You think you're awesome but you aren't!" He looked at me in terror, "Look-" I cut him off with, "Just close your snout!" I left smacking my tail on his head, he stayed silent. I left, "Let's go, Fin." Then Me and Fin left I stared at the woods. "Maybe we can find something there!" I rushed to the forest, Fin tried to follow behind, he panted, "Wait! Missy! Slow down!...." He stopped and panted then continued, "I can't keep up!" I ran faster, my legs felt pain, I tripped, started rolling, rolled over a log and landed a weird place, I looked out from the log, it looked normal, I headed north, then I saw a dark person, I limped my way, due to a pain in my paw, "Who are you?" "I'm you, but your Voice in your head! You'll always find this place! One way or another!" He smiled, "You can call me by your name or Henry! Because we're originally spirits!" I stared at him, "Henry...Henry like the cat who died recently?" "Henry like the cat who was my father?" "Sorry I can't remember anything! No way to get it back either." "Well.." I stopped then I thought, if I told him the truth he might be the same, "Your a father with two kits, Me and my brother, Alex, and you loved both of us! But you could never visit because you were busy writing stories with Fin! You visited us sometimes." He smiled, "I'm glad a good father!" I nodded with a smile. "Are you discovering my murderer?" "Yes! Maybe you could help!" He nodded fastly, "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!" I laughed, "Let's get a move on!" I ran on the weird thing. It seems like purple sand, everything was purple tinted and slipped and my nose touched a track, "Where does this go?" "To the other cats" "Hm." I Looked down and I saw it turned green after a while I turned around and saw a train and hurried away from the tracks and hissed at it, "Calm down, Missy." Said Henry. "Just keep investigating" I nodded grooming my fur away from the spikes in my fur, I walked the way O came from, remembering where, I walked back home and went to my bed

I haven't closed my eyes other thank for blinks, I looked at my brother, Alex, I stared at him, peacefully sleeping, I turned my eyes back, I started to ponder if all that had happened was true..? Then I realized that I needed to talk to Ginger, "in the morning, with Fin" I thought then I closed my eyes and thought of the purple sand I could play through all the sand

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