Eleven: Bracelets & Ice Packs

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A/N: hey!! So in some parts Jack and Alex are in different places so it makes it a bit tricky to keep the two stories consistent as they're happening at the same time. There's also two people writing this story so I'm doing best to mesh our writing together. Let me know if it all makes sense! Thanks for reading! :•)

"Do you need anything else?" Will asks, sitting at the edge of Jacks bed.
"Not really, thanks though." He says, sitting up.
"Everything okay?"
"Yeah, just a lots happened between yesterday and today. I'm incredibly overwhelmed." He sighs. "Also, a bit disappointed that Alex never told me he was leaving. I'm not gonna lie I saw him right before I got here."
"Yeah, he seems a bit impulsive. Kind of scary to never know what your partner is thinking." Will says before changing the subject. "Well they let me stay here today to keep you company. Kinda childish but they gave us strings to make friendship bracelets."
Jack laughs a bit. "Sure, I'm incredibly bored here anyway."
Jack picks out all 6 colors of the rainbow. "Go big or go home." He says and begins tying a few strings into knots. "
"You've never done this before?" Will asks.
"No, I'm not an 8 year old girl. Wait how do you know?" Will rolls his eyes and reaches over.
"Okay first of all you tied it wrong." He fixes Jacks knot. "Second of all, you're doing it in the wrong order."
"Like this?" Jack asks, trying again but getting his strings tangled again.
Will tries to show him on his own but it doesn't work. "Jesus, boy!" He reaches over and grabs Jack hands, guiding him through the motions.


Alex finally gets dropped off at the front and walks his way back into the camp. He goes straight past the group of counselors who were gathered at the front office trying to figure out what to do and right to the nurses station next door. He lets himself in, drops the bag and looks at the nurse
"hey so I snuck out because I fucking hate this place, the idiots out front all saw me come back in so call off the search dogs and don't bother calling the police. A lady hit me with her car and I think there's a cut on the back of my head where I hit the ground and I'm about 100% certain that I broke my wrist. So. Yeah." He says, pissed off and ready to walk again.
If it wasn't for Jack...I'd be on my way home by now. Fucking Jack.
The nurse rolls her eyes at Alex, "if it's broken they have to fix it at the emergency room and if that cut is bad enough, they have to fix that there too, you know. Come on." She takes him into the room Jack is in.
Alex looks at Jack, then sits down on the cot opposite of him, jealous that this asshole his holding his boyfriend's hands. He feels that stupid lump rise in his throat, cheeks going red as he stares at his lap. The nurse pokes around at the cut on his head and cleans it out,
"this one's fine." She gets him an ice pack for his wrist, "hold this there." She walks out into the main office again to talk to the counselors. Alex just keeps staring at his lap, tears threatening to roll down his cheeks, feeling rather stupid.
"Hey, Alex." Jack says bluntly. Maybe it was the surplus or meds or he was simply in his own head but he was getting increasingly upset that Alex wasn't there for him this morning. He looks away from him and keeps working on his bracelet quietly.
Alex looks up at him "h-hi." He whispers, watching this stupid kid help his stupid boyfriend work on his stupid bracelet.
"Zack is going to take you to the emergency room to get your wrist checked out, Alex." The nurse says.
Alex shakes his head "can I just stay here?" He wipes the tears off his cheeks.
"And have your wrist be actually broken and heal wrong? A car hit you. You literally got hit by a car. And you're asking if you can stay here. I know you want your little boyfriend to come with you, but it looks like he's busy." The nurse, who really shouldn't work with anyone except maybe dead people in the form of care glares at him.
Alex sniffles and nods "I can see that." He stands up and looks at Jack, "I'm sorry." He says softly, kissing the top of Jack's head as he goes out to the front office to wait for Zack.
Jack looks up "what? Got hit by a car?!" He shouts at the nurse. "I'm really just being told absolutely fucking nothing lately. Is he okay?" He shakes his head, holding back tears.
"Really left the room without sharing that.. yikes." Will mutters under his breath.
The nurse nods at Jack. "He walked out of the camp, walked down the road. I'm assuming he decided to come back, because he crossed the street and some lady hit him. He just knocked his head and hurt his wrist, he's going to be okay. He made the lady drive him back here. Poor broad." She shakes her head and goes to the front to deal with Alex. She signs a form to let Zack take him in.
Jack swings his legs over the bed. "Well they said I have to be here overnight so I think as long as I promise not to put pressure on it I can leave." "Let's go back to the cabin then. Do you have crutches?" Will asks him.
"No," he laughs a little. "It's not THAT bad." They stand up and Will helps Jack allowing him to hold his shoulder for stability. They start making their way back.
Alex watches Jack go with Will, his stomach in knots. He feels clammy and nauseous as he gets into Zack's car. He spends the duration of the day getting checked out, getting screamed at by his mother and his father via the phone, about how much of a fuck up he is and the usual sort.
Zack tries to comfort him but really, he's zero help. None at all, really.
It's campfire time by the time Alex gets back with some glue for the cut on the back of his head and a cast on his wrist, he chose pink as the color. He sits down by the door of his cabin, unsure of whether or not he should even go to the campfire.
"You came back. That says something, Alex." Kyle sighs as he's going out the door.
"I also left. That says something too." Alex mumbles, watching Kyle shrug and walk off towards the campfire.


"Alright Jack can we trust you?" Will asks and sits down on his bed. "
"Yeah, why not." He shrugs.
"Well.. Mikey might be quiet but he's a sneaky motherfucker." He says and pulls a out a box of various alcohol out from under the bed. "You tryna pregame this bonfire?"
"Oh fuck yeah." Jack sighed in relief, he needed something right now to get his mind off. The boys open up the liquor bottles and start taking shots.

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