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-3rd person pov-

nightmare groans deeply, fustrated. it has been weeks since he last saw error, and he isn't sure where he could've went. hell, he's searched across the multiverse, as far as he can, and yet he still can't find him.

'where could he have went? i've searched everywhere.'

nightmare grumbles, thinking. "hey boss, lunch is ready, if ya wanna eat." killer says, pointing to the kitchen. nightmare nods. "yeah, yeah. i'll be there. save a spot for me." killer nods in agreeance and lets the others know.

before nightmare knew it, he looks over and sees cross in the doorway. "boss? are you sure you've looks everywhere for him? it..it seems like you really care." "yes i'm sure," he reply quickly. cross scrunches his face. "even the anti-void?" nightmare raises his head.

"anti-void?" "it's the opposite of the void. its all white. that may be where he's at." nightmare thinks for a minute before getting up. "whatever. we gotta eat." the two walk into the dining room, seeing everyone there already.

anti-void. nightmare knows he heard it somewhere before. but now he can't remember. he sighs and eat, listening to the mediocre chatter of the sanses as they eat their dinner.

after they had all finish their food, all sanses head off to do their own thing. nightmare decides to proceed training and sparring with a few others.

"horror, cross, fell, and killer. all four of you follow me to the training area. you need to work on some of your skills before the next battle with the star sanses," nightmare says to the four.

he walks to cross. "before you go, do you know how to get to this anti-void you told me about?" he asks. cross shakes his head yes. "it's similar to opening an everyday normal portal. but this place is literally just white. you'll know when you get there."

cross pauses before continuing on, "it always has an erie feeling to it. like you're constantly being watched. like you're seeing something you shouldn't see. so be careful if you ever try to go. error went insane from that place. the anti-void is what lead him to the current state he is in now..." he starts his way off, letting nightmare process the warning.

nightmare nods, giving a quiet thanks then walking off. "go train for a while. i'll be back then." he quickly alerts the others that he will be out for a while.

"going to look again, boss?" dust asks blankly, as he sharpens his knife. he examines it, not even bothering to look at nightmare, as his back is turned away. nightmare sighs. "yeah. i will be back. don't let anyone go into my office, and let the others know. i know i can trust you with that right?" dust hums in agreement.

"oooorrr... what if i came with?" dust turns finally, exposing his cold stare with a small smile to nightmare. he, (nightmare), rubs his temple. "i don't care. as long as you can help. i'll be waiting here for you." dust smiles wider and walks off, putting the sharpener into his pocket. "of course, of course! i'll let them know~!" dust says, dragging the "know" as he walks away.

nightmare looks to his feet, as he knows he shouldn't drag others into his and error's business. but this is important. minutes later, dust returns, smiling brightly. "let's go nighty! i'm ready!" nightmare gives dust a blank look. "don't call me that."

after many unsuccessful tries, they were able to open the portal to the anti-void. "woah... this is... creepy... let's go in." dust steps toward the entrance. before dust walks in, nightmare grabs his hood with his tendril. "not yet. wait for my signal if it's okay, alright?" nightmare says, narrowing his eye at dust. "i wanna go in first thoughhh." nightmare pauses then allows dust to go, shaking his head slowly. "fine fine. go."

shortly after dust, nightmare follows him in, the portal immediately closing behind him. "nightmare.. look up..." dust stares up into the 'sky', terrified. nightmare raises a bonebrow before looking up.


I shove my hands into my pockets quickly, getting a tight hold of the knife there. on the ceiling, is what we can currently see is hundreds of thousands of souls. we gaze up at the souls untile i notice nightmare looking around. " 'mare?" i ask quietly, keeping my grip on the handle. "i know he's here. just... wait until i-" i look around, blocking out nightmare talking(even tho he shouldnt but wtv lol). before i know it, error, sitting on a blue string swing, is in front of me.

"n-n1ghTmAre. diDn'7 i t3ll yoU not tO f-Foll0w me?!" error glares at nightmare. i stare at his face as he yells at nightmare. i can tell he's in pain. he was gritting his teeth as he talks. i swallow dryly. i only listening. "error.. i was trying to h-," nightmare says before he is interrupted. "1 d0N'T N3eD hElP!! i c4N do ThIS O-0N mY oWN!!" error quickly retorts to nightmare.

i look at nightmare, his face morphing to a one of... regret.. and sadness. i frown as i listen to error yell insults at 'mare. boss really doesn't deserve that.. especially after he was just trying to help. i begin to try to get error's attention. "h-hey- error- you shouldn't yell at-" before i know it, those blue strings smack me in the face, knocking me over. i get up and pull the knife out of my pocket.

"w-WHAt d0 yOU H4-hAvE tO D0 WITh 7HIS?!" he yells at me, slashing another one of the strings at me. i glare at him and dodge it quickly. "wait error! don't hurt him!" nightmare yells at error. defending me. "wh-WhY don'7 yOu ju5T le4Ve mE alOn3?! aLL 1 wAnt iS QUIET." error turns his attention back to 'mare. nightmare yells back quickly, "because we think of you as part of our family! even if you don't think you belong or dont deserve it!" error stops in his tracks, eyes widened.

haha oops took months to post- anyways here's chapter three :)
1034 words

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