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HOLY SH-! 1.22K reads thank you so much you don't know how much this means to me guys! Please don't forget that I'll do any recommendations you guys have if you put it in my recommendations book! Sorry for the very late update I've been having technical problems with my tablet since my phone is broken. I will hopefully get a new phone for Christmas and will be able to upload more but this isn't certain if I upload more it probably means I got a new phone for Christmas and won't have to use my old tablet!
Orange Leader's POV

As lightning started to strike around Sabre and Ultra Steve. The others and I were trying to come up with a plan to stop Chaos Steve or separate Dark Steve and Reverse Steve at the very least.

Sabre's POV

"What is happening? Why is this place starting to change?" I questioned to myself.

"NO! NO! NO! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!?" Dark Reverse exclaimed in a fury.

Everything started to change from pitch black to light shades of black. While that causing Dark Reverse to panick even more.

"YOU ARE NOT ESCAPING THIS PLACE-" Dark Reverse yelled at me before being cut off by a bunch of lightning striking me.

I feel myself feel like it was teleporting but it felt different more like I was teleporting but my body was staying in same place it was more like my mind was being teleported or transferring to where my actual body was. After the feeling went away I realized that I wasn't in that pitch black area anymore I was in the house in the Rainbow Hub. Then I had a sudden pain in my head and tried to remember what happened before to get myself where I am now.

"Ugh... What happened...?" I questioned with clear confusion and pain in my voice.

"We will catch you up in a second I have to go do something real quick!" this weird half rainbow and half white person that looked like a Steve told me.

Then like that they exited out the door and then there was lightning then after a bit the lightning stopped the Light Steve and Rainbow Steve entered the house with Orange and Green Leader trailing behind them.

"I hated that Rainbow Steve never make me do that again..." Light Steve complained leaving me even more confused than I already am.

"W-Wha..? What is going on?!" I exclaimed.

"Oh right you don't know what happened while you were in that state," the Green Leader spoke.

"Oh yeah you are right Green Leader...Heh," Rainbow Steve said embarrassed.

"Long story short, Reverse Steve and Dark Steve merged creating Chaos Steve who is still out there after they merged you blacked out then after a bit we tried to collect some information on why Reverse Steve merged with Dark Steve and somehow knocked you out and we realized every villain that you faced you were their downfall and Rainbow Steve brought up that Dark Steve gave some sort of warnings when in mid-teleport and figured out you two were the key to his downfall and we had Light Steve and Rainbow Steve merged creating Ultra Steve who helped you wake up from whatever state you were in." the Orange Leader explained as Green Leader checked me for any possible injuries.

"While I was in that state I met somebody and it seemed like the Dark Steve part was trying to take control of the Reverse Steve part of them..." I explained. "I think they went by..."

"Dark Reverse"

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