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Episode Fourteen: “The truth i'm scared to find out.”


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Rachel quickly noticed that Vicky was a bit distracted and quiet for the next few days. At the dining table at night, Testimony had long gone to bed and it was only Vicky and Rachel left.

Rachel had dropped Vicky’s food on the table and watched an absentminded Vicky reach out for the food barehanded.

“What are you doing?!” Rachel exclaimed, holding his hand and stopping him.

“Huh?” Vicky looked up and realized he was about to dip his hand into the rice. He grimaced and turned to Rachel.

“Is everything alright? You've been very distracted for sometime” Rachel asked worried. “What’s the matter?”

“It’s nothing, don’t worry” Vicky answered and quietly ate. Rachel quietly watched him concerned.

The next day, Rachel waited with Patrick for Vicky to come out. “Mr. Patrick, do you know what is wrong with Vicky?” Rachel asked, “nowadays, he seems very distracted. I'm worried.”

Patrick felt hesitant to answer Rachel now that he was confused about the truth. There was something strange about Rachel that he and Vicky didn’t know and it worried them.

“Er, Sir is just busy with a lot of work. That is why is so absentminded. He will be fine in a few days” Patrick said, making up an excuse.

“Okay, if you say so” Rachel said unconvinced. Patrick and Vicky left and Rachel went to see Prieye.

Rachel sat down, dully sipping her juice. Prieye shook her head and rolled her eyes as if thinking this was silly. She sat down and looked at Rachel.

“What complaints do you have now?” Prieye asked.

“Stop saying it like i'm complaining. I just need someone to talk to and you know you are the only friend I can do that with” Rachel sulked.

“Relax, unload your burdens” Prieye said nonchalantly.

“Vicky seems very absentminded lately and I catch him staring at me as if…he can’t believe me but he says it's nothing” Rachel said worried.

“Hmm, I see” Prieye said as if all knowing. “Considering all that has happened, I think he is in love with you and doesn’t know how to say it. That’s it.”

“That can't be it” Rachel denied vehemently.

“And why not? You are beautiful, kind” Prieye said offhandedly, “maybe he is just aware of his feelings now and doesn’t know how to react.”

Rachel looked skeptical about it but she just didn’t want to get her hopes up only for it to be crushed. “So, by the way, how is your brother in-law?” Prieye casually asked.

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