Chapter 28: Sisters again

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I looked at Rebecca as if she were crazy. "What are you talking about Rebecca, Do you know what's she's done?" I asked her.
Rebecca nodded then sighed in annoyance, "Harry, she's my sister, and I want to make up for the time we lost when we fought instead of actually being sisters.
"Fine." I sighed and walked away in annoyance. "she better not screw up on acting like a sister" I sighed.
I walked up to my room seeing a mysterious object on my bed. I finally noticed what the object was after it turned on lighting a hologram in the room. "Zayn?!" My eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.
"Yes Harry, I know what your thinking right now." His voice spoke as a hologram of his figure walked around the room. "I'm here to warn you that I'm after Rebecca and if you don't move out of my way of killing her I'll have to get rid of you both." he spoke.
"Pfft, yeah right." I murmured, chuckling and covering it by coughing.
"And if your doubting me right now I'll show u what I could do to get rid of you both along with the planet earth myself." Zayn laughed.

Zayn's hologram soon walked over to my bookcase and grabbed a book, he touched it with his one finger causing it to be lit on fire. I couldn't contain the laughter no longer. I suddenly let it out too fast. Zayn started confusing me by laughing with me.
"Oh don't worry Styles I'm not laughing with you,. I'm laughing AT YOU!" He threw the burning book at me turning it to burning blades of hard paper. I dodged them, aiming right back at Zayn. Zayn sucked up all the fire blades in his hands aiming the blades back except now they were crystals. The crystals went right through my arms.
I was slammed into the wall by the crystals force. Zayn laughed. I grew annoyed now, I soon put my hands against the wall icicles formed around my fingernails as Zayn laughed. I stopped his laughing by quickly throwing the sharp ice blades around my hands at him. Zayn dodged immediately, the blades of ice aiming at my hands which were pressed to the wall.

"I'd love to keep playing this game Styles, but I have plans to change." Zayn Laughed.

Suddenly terror came to me when I saw Rebecca and Jenn walk in. Terrible part was that Rebecca was in front of Jen. Zayn shot me a sinister smile.
Zayn quickly threw a fire ball at Rebecca along with ice blades. Rebecca fell back landing in Jenn's arms blacked out. Zayn smirked at me evilly as he disappeared saying
"I warned you, but you didn't listen......."

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