Chapter 40: Gemma

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Gemma's POV

"So Harry's getting married to you!" I squealed in excitement as I jumped up and down.

"So have you guys found a wedding planner?" I asked.

"Well, Um no. we're still searching for Planners for the wedding." Rebecca said.

"You know I don't want to invade you and Harry's Privacy but, can I be your Wedding planner? That's if it's okay with you." I asked.

"Omg yes! Of course you can be our wedding planner!" Rebecca squealed like a wild bird hunting.

"Thanks Rebecca." I said.

"I didn't mention to you that Harry and I are having a baby too along with the wedding." Rebecca surprised me.

I hugged Rebecca in tears of happiness,

I'm gonna be an Aunt. I smiled.



I rubbed the swollen Baby bump that Rebecca had. I couldn't sleep right besides her because the doctor had said its not good for the baby.

So I just sat there in the middle of the night when Rebecca was sleeping and Rubbed the Baby bump. Rebecca looked awfully tired. She also looked very, very uncomfortable in her sleep. It's probably because of the huge baby bump that's making her go nuts at night.

Rebecca has had many mood swings because of the baby. One day she'll be super nice, and the other day she'll be super violent and angry.

I can't stand seeing Rebecca tired like this. I soon thought of a solution. Pillows I thought. I opened a portal, and I hopped in it, Leading me to the Magical dimension of shopping. I walked into a store buying more pillows than needed for Rebecca. Rebecca is probably going to rest well with these pillows on her baby bump, and under. I teleported back to the palace into Rebecca and I's room. I slid one pillow underneath Rebecca's right side of the baby bump. she looked more comfortable. I soon surrounded Rebecca with Pillows until I had none left.

I went back to sleep on the couch. 5 more months until Rebecca and I's Wedding happens. I couldn't wait and I was way too eager. I was like a child on Christmas. Rebecca hadn't even picked a wedding dress yet. Rebecca and I hadn't even picked out a suit for me yet. Gemma had everything all planned out. The wedding will be held in the human non magical world, in a city called New York. Apparently Gemma had thought New York is Beautiful, and Rebecca had agreed. But I felt slightly uncomfortable that this Happiness and Love with Joy wouldn't last long........

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