chapter 1

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I hear my mom's voice call from outside the shower. I groan to myself and continue to let the water hit my body. The hot water was loosening my strained muscles, and it was the only thing that was calming my nerves and the knots that grew in my stomach. I took my time because this is the last morning that I will be here at my house. I am officially a college student.

"I'm in the shower!" I yell back.

I finally turned off the water and I could hear the sound of heels loudly pacing back and forth downstairs, as my mother was frantically making sure I didn't miss pack anything.

The day my acceptance letter to Stansfield came in I was in complete shock, I knew I worked extremely hard to maintain my grades, but seeing that I made it into one of the most prestigious schools was an honor. Nevertheless, my mother was extremely proud and called the majority of our family and friends for what felt like hours, and I have to admit I was happy that she was so proud of me. My best friend Tariq also got into Stansfield, so it was a relief that I wouldn't be there alone. Tariq and I have been through hell and back, so this would not only be a fresh start for me but for him too.

As I wrap the towel around my wet body, my mother calls my name again. I decided to ignore her, because I know she is irritable about me taking my time to get ready. I quickly threw on some clothes that I had prepared for today and was currently fixing my plaits into a cute side part.

"Ryan! If I have to come to get you, girl!"

"I am sorry momma, I'm coming down now," I said as I walked down the stairs.

To my surprise, my father was sitting across from my mother at the table, dressed in his usual suit, with his phone glued to his hand. It took me a while to figure out what to do. Was I supposed to hug him? He and I aren't exactly close. Because of his job, we don't see each other all that often. He travels constantly for months because most of his clients are not located in New York. There is no denying the fact that my parents are bitter. The truth is that my father sometimes sleeps with his clients, as my mother was once on my father's legal team, but she had to resign because she knew what he was like - he could never stop sleeping with his clients. I don't understand why they're still married. I guess they don't want others to know the truth. As a result, she pursued a new career where she could focus on selling real estate in the New York market.

"Hey college girl," He smiles a bright, perfectly lined smile while standing to pull into a hug. He gave me a strong squeeze and I stiff up a little bit.

"Hi, Dad" I give him an equally fake bright smile and fix my hair once we broke away.

"Ryan, we can wait a couple of minutes while you go change those pants," My mom says quietly, running disapproving eyes over me.

I looked down at my shorts and nod, she was right. My shorts were in the middle of my thighs and since it was my move-in day. I need to be presentable for today. And of course, my mother did not hesitate to remind me. She never does.

"I will put your bags in the car." My father offers and picks up the keys from the table and disappears from the room.

I quickly throw on a pair of mom jeans as I walk to the car, it was almost an hour's drive to the campus and I have no idea what it will be like, will I even make friends?

The car ride was pretty silent for the most part until my father broke the silence.''

"How's Tariq? I haven't seen that boy in a while." my father questioned me.

Before I could respond my mother answered, "Probably not well, his mother is on trial for his father's murder. I can't say I don't blame her.." she muttered the last part under her breath.

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