chapter 9

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Ryan was on her way to class with her friend Lauren. She hadn't spoken to Tariq since the night at the cemetery so she was hoping after class she could ask how he was doing. But knowing how Tariq is, he will probably lie and tell her he's fine.

"Hey, did you hear what I said?" Lauren asks, pulling me away from my thoughts.

"No, sorry," I admitted. I had no idea what the hell she was talking about.

"Rough night?" Lauren questioned

"Yeah. The reading was so long this week." I added a fake yawn to cover up my lie.

"No for real. Come on let's get to class." She laughed and linked our arms together, making our way inside.

As we entered the lecture hall. I looked over and saw Tariq who was already sitting in his usual seat. This is the first time I've ever seen Tariq arrive early to class.

Well, look who's on time for once! Ha! Making the rest of us look bad." BruShaundria said, loudly. Completely shocked as well to see Tariq this early.

"Yeah, Tariq. What are you doing here so early?" Lauren added, before having a seat beside him.

"I'm hoping to catch up," Tariq answered.

"Shit, nigga, it's gonna take more than one day to do that," I said jokingly

Tariq chuckles, "A'ight, well, you did the reading, right, boo?" I smirk at him because he already knows I always do the readings.

"What side you on?" he asks, however before I can answer Professor Milgram interrupts our conversation.

"What did you say, Tariq?" She asks

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was just asking..." Tariq begins to apologize, but again Professor Milgram cuts him off.

"No, I'm glad to start the debate early. So what about it, Ryan? Locke believed that people were fundamentally just. Would you agree?"

"Locke believed that people are reasonable, altruistic, and peaceful, not selfish. While that may seem nice to imagine, in reality, people are only interested in satisfying their needs and desires, even if it means stealing, killing, etc." I say nonchalantly.

"She's right. Locke trippin'. One trip to the hood, and you can tell that Hobbes is right. People are just out for themselves." BruShaundria added,

"And, Lauren, would you agree?" Professor Milgram asks,

"Well, I'd like to think that Locke has a point, but...I actually think we construct our own societies and rules to keep ourselves from our fundamental nature." Lauren states,

"Which is..." Professor Milgram leads, she wanted to know where Lauren stand on the topic.

"Well, some people are better than others, but...everybody's just out for themselves," Lauren answered confidently.

"That's not true!" Ashley blurted it out. "People help each other all the time. Like, what about that scene in The Dark Knight where the two boats, inmates and citizens, don't blow each other up?"

"Girl that's just a movie. Get into the real world." I snapped because she had obviously been sheltered her whole life not to understand that the world we live in isn't peaceful.

"Locke is clear about the division between right and wrong. Society has rules, and we all know them. Every society, every person. Even little kids." Ashely tries to argue.

"That's a hundred percent cap," BruShaundria says,

Lauren also decides to chime in, "Cap. I mean... I agree."

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