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"There you are, oppa! You suddenly disappeared"
"Is my sister worried about me?"
"As if" she said rolling her eyes.
"Mom, Yeji, she's Choi Jinhee, the friend who will go with us tomorrow and her mom. Aunty, Jinhee, they're my mom and my sister"
"Nice to meet you Mrs. Park and Yeji!"
"Oh so you're the one tagging along tomorrow? It's a pleasure to meet you!"

What are you and your mom talking about? You better explain later.

"The pleasure is mine!"
"Is she your girlfriend, oppa?" Yeji asked.
"Hmm are you?"
"Shut up, Jack Frost"
"Why don't you two hang out while we do the grocery?" My mom suggested.
"Right! Spend some time together!" His mom added.
"Surely will" he said pushing me outside by the shoulders.
"Hoon, what did you mean?"

"Yeah how did you expect us to get to Gapyeong alone? The cab can't go on the highway and if they do it's gonna cost a kidney"
"Well true... BUT IT'S GONNA BE WITH YOUR FAMILY?! Why would I crash into your family trip?"
"I asked my dad for a ride and then my mom and Yeji tagged along"
"Oh... Wait where are we going now?"

"I don't know? Wanna get Gaeul? My house is nearby"
"If it's not a problem"
"Let's go then"
We started walking to his house talking about different things.
As we talked, he took my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine, I was startled by the sudden action but I just let it, as the feeling of butterflies became stronger.


"Let's go inside"
"You sure that I can?"
"It's cold, just get in. Gaeul would also be lazy to go out with this cold"
"Oh I see, then ok"
He then put the pin to his family apartment and unlocked the door as we were immediately greeted by a white ball of fluff.
"Gaeulie! Missed me? I've been out for not even an hour"

"Aw she's so cute! Can I pet her?"
"Sure, just be careful of the ears area"
"Noted" I said as I patted gently the dog's head that was in Sunghoon's arms.
"Yeji is really tall for her age"
"Yeah she is, I guess?"
"I still feel sorry for what Engenes did to her"
"Yeah but she wasn't affected that much, she was just annoyed by most of their actions"

"To be honest, I'm happy she decided to get off socials for now. Your so called fans can be really crazy"
"You're a fan as well, though"
"You know what I mean, Hoon"
"Yeah, I was just joking. Do you want anything?"
"Hmm... Now that I think of it, should I try your famous protein smoothies?"
"Oh! You'll definitely like it! Strawberry or chocolate?"

"Strawberry is ok"
"Ok wait, I'll make you one. Take off your jacket if you want, I just turned on the heating system"
"Oh okie" I looked down to Gaeul.
"Gaeulie! Should I go see his childhood pics around the house? Hm? Cmon show me where are they" I said gently picking her up from the ground and started roaming around the furnitures seeing a bunch of his baby pics and with Yeji or his competitions.

Woah Gaeul! Your owner always been so handsome huh?
He looks so cute in this one!

Somehow I ended up in his trophy room and saw all his achievements.

This is insane! All these medals!
Woah This is from I-LAND era!

"Really handsome, am I right?" He said entering the room with two smoothies in his hands.
"Keep on dreaming icy boy" I said putting down Gaeul and getting the smoothie from his hand.
"I still made a chocolate one in case you wanna take a sip to taste it"
"Oh Thank you!"

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