Chapter 4: Jacob Donovan

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"Hold on now, guys. We have one more soldier to take with us, and you all know who it is." Cotton said stopping his friends. They all went to a condo with an outdoor entrance. This condo used to be a storage room, before it got renovated into a proper home after the retirement home got a shed built. This condo was the home of Jacob Donovan. A veteran who was in his late 60s to early 70s. He wasn't like Cotton or the other army buddies. Jacob was more about world peace than berating family members. He moved into the retirement home very recently after his wife passed away from a heart attack at a young age.

Cotton resorted to banging on the door. "JJ! My lowlife son offered to take us all to Waffle House! You in or out?" He yelled. "Just a second, Cotton." Jacob responded grabbing his cane. He then opened the door to meet his fellow condomates. He then locked eyes with Hank and Dale. "You must be Hank Hill. Your father has told me a lot about you." Jacob said shaking Hank's hand. "Ah yeah, nice to meet you too. This is my friend, Dale." Hank said introducing his less than smart friend. "It is an honor to meet you, sir..." Dale spoke shaking Jacob's hand. Bobby and Joseph were relieved to meet someone who was nothing like Hank's father. It was a huge weight off their chest that they finally had someone to turn to if they got tired of Cotton.

"Do you guys have a truck or somethin?'" One of the elders asked. Hank said that Dale did have the bugabago, but Dale didn't have any back seats and that it would be dangerous for them to ride. "Well, my God, Hank! I knew you were weak but I never knew you were THIS weak!" Cotton snapped. "Cotton. I will make sure that we find a way for you to enjoy yourself during our time with you and your loyal companions." Dale said. "Hank. Do us all a favor and find some seats to install in my truck." Hank facepalmed, knowing full well that he didn't bring his tools, as well as his annoyance over the fact that Dale would do ANYTHING in his power to please his father.

"Alright. I'll order a rental car..." Hank sighed pulling out his phone. "Don't sewat it, Hank. I brought my old station wagon with me when I moved here!" Jacob said forcing Hank to lower his arm. Hank was then given the keys to the station wagon and pulled it out. "Well, JJ. I guess ye ain't so useless after all." Cotton said impressed by Jacob and Hank's accomplishments. "No problem, Cotton. I've always been known to be a good problem solver in my family." Jacob responded. Hank then rolled down the window and said, "Pile in everybody. We're goin to Waffle House."

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